National Honor Society Utica High School Meeting 7: 3/15/16
Old Business 1 Medium T-shirt left! Send pictures to Ian or Ms. Kammann
Reminders Next month’s meeting is CANCELED ***NO MEETING IN APRIL*** Seniors: Hours are due at the end of this month!! March 31st If you didn’t at the last meeting, check your spelling for the medallions! Juniors: Hours are due in May
Service Opportunities Conferences The District Elementary Science Olympiad: Tuesday, March 22nd at Malow Junior High. Volunteers are needed from 4:00 – 8:00 PM Flickinger Elementary parent night out)babysitting event: Friday, March 18th from 6:00-9:00 PM Career Expo Date: Tuesday, March 29 @ Eisenhower High School 2:30- 9:30 Fish Fry at St. Therese
Tutoring Opportunities If interested, check the website: New opportunity: need a beginning algebra tutor, see Ms. Kammann for details
School Gift Framing student art work around the school Donated from NHS, to school
Motion to pay for NASSP Dues School Gift This year’s medallions Next year’s order Secretary’s Day (April 27) about $200
Nominations Considering to run for NHS Board 2016-17? Must say YOUR name AND the nominees name Only juniors can nominate other juniors Can choose to accept/reject a nomination, sign off in Room 234 Voting (candidates say speech) takes place during the May meeting
No meeting next month! Voting for next year’s board in May, have speeches ready Have a good Tuesday