EKT119 ELECTRIC CIRCUIT II-SEM I 2016-2017 COURSE DETAIL EKT119 ELECTRIC CIRCUIT II 3 CREDIT HOURS CONTENTS Chapter 1: Two-Port Circuits Chapter 2: Introduction to Laplace Transform Chapter 3: Frequency Response in AC Circuit Chapter 4: Fourier Series Chapter 5: Fourier Transform -suhaizal- EKT119 ELECTRIC CIRCUIT II-SEM I 2016-2017
EKT119 ELECTRIC CIRCUIT II-SEM I 2016-2017 COURSE OUTCOMES CO1: Ability to explain and analyze special types of circuit such as two port networks. CO2: Ability to analyze electric circuits using Laplace Transform, Fourier Series and Fourier Transform for the circuit comprising passive elements. CO3: Ability to explain concepts of frequency response for AC circuits and construct Bode plot for various types of transfer function. -suhaizal- EKT119 ELECTRIC CIRCUIT II-SEM I 2016-2017
EKT119 ELECTRIC CIRCUIT II-SEM I 2016-2017 REFERENCES Sadiku, M. N. O, Alexander, C. K., Fundamentals of Electric Circuits, Singapore, 5th ed., McGraw-Hill, 2012. Nilsson, J. W. and Riedel, S.A., Electric Circuits, 9th ed, Prentice Hall, 2011. Boylestad, R.L, Introductory Circuit Analysis, 12th ed., Prentice Hall, 2010. Dorf, R.C., Svodoba, J.A., Introduction to Electric Circuits, 8th ed., John Wiley, 2010. Robins, A.H., Miller, W.C., Circuit Analysis: Theory and Practise, 2nd ed., Delmar Learning, 2006. -suhaizal- EKT119 ELECTRIC CIRCUIT II-SEM I 2016-2017
EKT119 ELECTRIC CIRCUIT II-SEM I 2016-2017 BOOK SUPPLIER Sadiku, M. N. O, Alexander, C. K., Fundamentals of Electric Circuits, Singapore, 5th ed., McGraw-Hill, 2012. (Chap. 14 – 19) Pustaka Union & Enterprise No. 10, Lebuhraya Bukit Kayu Hitam, Pekan Changlun II, TEL: 04 - 924 2213, H/P: 013 - 4396 718 -suhaizal- EKT119 ELECTRIC CIRCUIT II-SEM I 2016-2017
EKT119 ELECTRIC CIRCUIT II-SEM I 2016-2017 COURSE ASSESSMENT Examination (70%) Final Examination = 60% Answer 5 out of 6 questions Mid-Term Examination ( MTE) =10% Chap 1 to 3, 10 Marks per question Total Marks = 30 Coursework (30%) Quizzes / Assignments -suhaizal- EKT119 ELECTRIC CIRCUIT II-SEM I 2016-2017
Academic Staff/ Lecturers Mohamad Suhaizal bin Abu Hassan [Coordinator] RK93 (Year 2 and Year 4) Email: H/P : 0124991914 Dr. Muslim bin Mustapa RK 20 and RK 93 Email H/P :0192452673 -suhaizal- EKT119 ELECTRIC CIRCUIT II-SEM I 2016-2017
EKT119 ELECTRIC CIRCUIT II-SEM I 2016-2017 CURRICULUM SCHEDULE Lecture Week 1 – week 14 (academic weeks) 3 hours/week @ 42 hours Teusday (1200-1300) DK6 Wednesday (1030-1230) DK1 Attendance in class is mandatory. If less than 80%, final exam barred Mid-Term Examination (1.5 hour) Date : 17-21 October 2016 (TBD) Time : 8.30 – 10.00 PM Venue: (TBD) -suhaizal- EKT119 ELECTRIC CIRCUIT II-SEM I 2016-2017
EKT119 ELECTRIC CIRCUIT II-SEM I 2016-2017 -suhaizal- EKT119 ELECTRIC CIRCUIT II-SEM I 2016-2017