Good and Evil God Free will Devil in the Bible evil Responses Everywhere (omnipresent) Fallen Angel Genesis Testing Job All knowing (omniscient) Loving (Benevolent) Devil in the Bible Tempting Jesus God All powerful (omnipotent) Symbolic? A being WHY? Problem with evil Good and Evil A force Humans choose evil Free will BUT God’s fault? Psychological phenomenon Puppets /robots Punishment A damaged mind Types of suffering Acceptance natural moral God’s plan Responses volcano Terrorism Disobeyed God Closer to God Suffering of Jesus Grow in a spiritual way
Some Christians believe that the Devil is a real power who works Evil -The Devil The Devil or Satan appears in some Bible stories, such as Genesis, in the book of Job and in stories of Jesus’ temptations. Some Christians believe that the Devil is a real power who works Against God and causes evil and suffering. Others believe the devil is a symbolic way of describing evil. Belief in the Devil still leaves questions about why God allows The devil to live in the world.
Christian responses to suffering Some people say suffering came into the world because Adam and Eve rebelled against God. Other people say that God allows suffering into the world for a good reason, to help us grow and learn in a spiritual way. Some people say suffering brings them closer to God and helps them to understand the suffering of Christ. Many Christians say we can never understand suffering, and should learn to accept it without always trying to understand it.