Welcome to the Year 5 Welcome Meeting Taking Pride and Aiming High
Taking Pride and Aiming High
Taking Pride and Aiming High
Taking Pride and Aiming High
End of Year Expectations The end of year expectations for each subject are on the document provided today. The common exception words for Year 5 will also be on this sheet. Taking Pride and Aiming High
How parents can support Please ensure that your child completes their home learning each week. Their reading record must be signed at least 4 times each week and they will be expected to complete a piece of Maths and a piece of English home learning each week. The work will usually be linked to the topics we have covered in class and pupils should spend 30 minutes on each piece. Project home learning will also be set throughout the year. Home learning is set on Friday and is expected in on the following Thursday. Work will be marked in accordance with the school’s marking policy and will involve a combination of self, peer and teacher assessment. Taking Pride and Aiming High
Communication Taking Pride and Aiming High School Twitter Account Cedar email account Monthly newsletter School website Speak to class teachers Phone Letters Class Dojo (we are aware there have been problems) Taking Pride and Aiming High
Online safety Taking Pride and Aiming High New technologies have become integral to the lives of children and young people in today’s society, both within schools and in their lives outside school and we want to keep our children safe. We will does this by: It is woven into our curriculum and we have an extra focus on E-Safety at the time of national E-Safety week in February. Every member of staff, parent and child will be asked to sign an Acceptable Use Policy. This is to ensure: • That young people will be responsible users and stay safe while using the internet and other communications technologies for educational, personal and recreational use. • That school ICT systems and users are protected from accidental or deliberate misuse that could put the security of the systems and users at risk. • That parents and carers are aware of the importance of e-safety and are involved in the education and guidance of young people with regard to their on-line behaviour. We will be holding an e-safety information session this year. - If you have any questions on how to keep your child safe see your class teacher. Taking Pride and Aiming High
Next week you will receive a letter inviting you to join Seesaw. This is an app which is an online learning journal for your child. Teachers will be posting photos, videos and work your child has created. Family members can like and comment on items, allowing you to engage with your child’s learning. It will give you a portal into your child’s life at school. This is another excellent way we are communicating with families about the learning and progress your child is making, so we ask that everyone signs up to this.
PE Kit PE lessons are on Wednesday and Thursday afternoons. Wednesday sessions are taught by me and Thursday sessions are taught by Mr Howorth. Children will be expected to bring in PE kits on a Monday and take them home on the Friday. PE kits should be plain (black shorts and white top) and all items should be named. Children should have a pair of outdoor trainers and a pair of indoor trainers/ plimsolls for gym sessions. Taking Pride and Aiming High
PE lessons are on Monday and Friday afternoons. PE Kit PE lessons are on Monday and Friday afternoons. Children will be expected to bring in PE kits on a Monday and take them home on the Friday. PE kits should be plain (black shorts and white top) and all items should be named. Children should have a pair of outdoor trainers and a pair of indoor trainers/ plimsolls for gym sessions. Taking Pride and Aiming High
PE lessons are on Monday and Friday afternoons. PE Kit PE lessons are on Monday and Friday afternoons. Children will be expected to bring in PE kits on a Monday and take them home on the Friday. PE kits should be plain (black shorts and white top) and all items should be named. Children should have a pair of outdoor trainers and a pair of indoor trainers/ plimsolls for gym sessions. Taking Pride and Aiming High
PE lessons are on Monday and Friday afternoons. PE Kit PE lessons are on Monday and Friday afternoons. Children will be expected to bring in PE kits on a Monday and take them home on the Friday. PE kits should be plain (black shorts and white top) and all items should be named. Children should have a pair of outdoor trainers and a pair of indoor trainers/ plimsolls for gym sessions. Taking Pride and Aiming High
Taking Pride and Aiming High Trips There are trips planned for the year, however, the details of some of these have not been finalised. Autumn term: 19th October – Macbeth production at South Hill Park 9th November - Chemistry spectacular at Wellington College Spring term: TBC – Class trip to Hampton Court Summer term: A whole school/ KS2 trip is expected to take place in the summer term. Dates will be sent out as soon as they have been finalised. Taking Pride and Aiming High
Productions and after school opportunities Year 5 are performing Macbeth at South Hill Park on 19th October 2017. Tickets are already on sale and can be purchased directly from the Wilde Theatre Box Office. Year 5 and 6 will put on an evening performance in the summer term. There are lots of lunch time and after school clubs on offer. Please take a look at the letters sent home. Details of clubs offered will be sent out in the coming weeks. Taking Pride and Aiming High