Rethinking Life – Rethinking Love


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Presentation transcript:

Rethinking Life – Rethinking Love Matthew 5:43-48

Rethinking Love Jesus redefines whom we love. The religious leaders had incorrectly defined whom we should love. It takes God’s love to love your enemies. Pray for your enemies as well.

Rethinking Love Jesus redefines whom we love. We are called to follow God’s example. A sign of a son is that they follow their father. God shows love to His enemies.

Rethinking Love Jesus redefines whom we love. We are called to follow God’s example. We are to be different from the world. Loving your neighbor is nothing new. God’s example is the Christian standard.

What does that mean to me? I need to be praying for my community!

What does that mean to me? God gave me the example to follow to love EVERYONE.

What does that mean to me? I need to be to conduit of God’s love to EVERYONE.