Preaching Through 1 Peter Preaching Themes, Truths, and Texts Dr. R. Scott Pace
Key Preaching Themes Theme 1 – Perseverance & Hope for Believers
Key Preaching Themes Theme 1 – Perseverance & Hope for Believers How to endure hardship
Key Preaching Themes Theme 1 – Perseverance & Hope for Believers How to endure hardship How to endure hostility
Key Preaching Themes Theme 2 – Personal Holiness for Believers
Key Preaching Themes Theme 2 – Personal Holiness for Believers Practical holiness
Key Preaching Themes Theme 2 – Personal Holiness for Believers Practical holiness Public holiness
Key Preaching Themes Theme 3 – Preisthood of Believers
Key Preaching Themes Theme 3 – Preisthood of Believers How we are different from the world
Key Preaching Themes Theme 3 – Preisthood of Believers How we are different from the world How we make a difference in the world
Key Preaching Truths The Truth about Suffering
Key Preaching Truths The Truth about Suffering Christ’s Suffering
Key Preaching Truths The Truth about Suffering Christ’s Suffering His substitution for our forgiveness
Key Preaching Truths The Truth about Suffering Christ’s Suffering His substitution for our forgiveness His steps for us to follow
Key Preaching Truths The Truth about Suffering Christian Suffering
Key Preaching Truths The Truth about Suffering Christian Suffering Christians struggle against societal aggression
Key Preaching Truths The Truth about Suffering Christian Suffering Christians struggle against societal aggression Christians struggle against sinful appetites
Key Preaching Truths The Truth about Suffering Christian Suffering Christians struggle against societal aggression Christians struggle against sinful appetites Christians struggle against social adversity
Key Preaching Truths The Truth about Suffering Christian Suffering Christians struggle against societal aggression Christians struggle against sinful appetites Christians struggle against social adversity Christians struggle against Satan’s attacks
Key Preaching Truths The Truth about Sanctification A Holy Life
Key Preaching Truths The Truth about Sanctification A Holy Life God created us for holiness
Key Preaching Truths The Truth about Sanctification A Holy Life God created us for holiness God called us to holiness
Key Preaching Truths The Truth about Sanctification A Holy Life God created us for holiness God called us to holiness God conforms us to holiness
Key Preaching Truths The Truth about Sanctification Our Home Life
Key Preaching Truths The Truth about Sanctification Our Home Life Wives should respect their husbands with humility.
Key Preaching Truths The Truth about Sanctification Our Home Life Wives should respect their husbands with humility. Husbands should cherish their wives with honor.
Key Preaching Truths The Truth about Service Loyal Members
Key Preaching Truths The Truth about Service Loyal Members Members should use their speaking gifts
Key Preaching Truths The Truth about Service Loyal Members Members should use their speaking gifts
Key Preaching Truths The Truth about Service Loving Pastors
Key Preaching Truths The Truth about Service Loving Pastors Pastors should be devoted shepherds
Key Preaching Truths The Truth about Service Loving Pastors Pastors should be devoted shepherds Pastors should be humble servants
Key Preaching Truths The Truth about Service Loving Pastors Pastors should be devoted shepherds Pastors should be humble servants Pastors should be faithful stewards
Exegetical Study: 1 Peter Dr. R. Scott Pace Hughes Chair of Christian Ministry Oklahoma Baptist University
A Living Hope 1 Peter 1:1-12 Hope is found by: remembering the greatness of our salvation.(v.1-5)
A Living Hope 1 Peter 1:1-12 Hope is found by: remembering the greatness of our salvation.(v.1-5) We can rest in the purpose of our salvation. (v.3)
A Living Hope 1 Peter 1:1-12 Hope is found by: remembering the greatness of our salvation.(v.1-5) We can rest in the purpose of our salvation. (v.3) We can rest in the promise of our salvation. (v.4)
A Living Hope 1 Peter 1:1-12 Hope is found by: remembering the greatness of our salvation.(v.1-5) We can rest in the purpose of our salvation. (v.3) We can rest in the promise of our salvation. (v.4) We can rest in the permanence of our salvation. (v.5)
A Living Hope 1 Peter 1:1-12 Hope is found by: rejoicing in the glory of our salvation.(v.6-12)
A Living Hope 1 Peter 1:1-12 Hope is found by: rejoicing in the glory of our salvation.(v.6-12) We can rejoice b/c our salvation is protected by God.
A Living Hope 1 Peter 1:1-12 Hope is found by: rejoicing in the glory of our salvation.(v.6-12) We can rejoice b/c our salvation is protected by God. We can rejoice b/c our salvation is proven by God.
A Living Hope 1 Peter 1:1-12 Hope is found by: rejoicing in the glory of our salvation.(v.6-12) We can rejoice b/c our salvation is protected by God. We can rejoice b/c our salvation is proven by God. We can rejoice b/c our salvation is promised by God.
Be Holy 1 Peter 1:13-25 with a fixed hope. (v.13) We must respond to the God of our salvation: with a fixed hope. (v.13)
Be Holy 1 Peter 1:13-25 with a fixed hope. (v.13) We must respond to the God of our salvation: with a fixed hope. (v.13) with faithful holiness. (v.14-16)
Be Holy 1 Peter 1:13-25 with a fixed hope. (v.13) We must respond to the God of our salvation: with a fixed hope. (v.13) with faithful holiness. (v.14-16) with fearful humility. (v.17-21)
Be Holy 1 Peter 1:13-25 with a fixed hope. (v.13) We must respond to the God of our salvation: with a fixed hope. (v.13) with faithful holiness. (v.14-16) with fearful humility. (v.17-21) with a fervent hearts.(v.22-25)
Building Our Faith 1 Peter 2:1-12 We must progress to maturity in Christ. (v.1-3)
Building Our Faith 1 Peter 2:1-12 We must progress to maturity in Christ. (v.1-3) We must pursue our stability in Christ. (v.4-8)
Building Our Faith 1 Peter 2:1-12 We must progress to maturity in Christ. (v.1-3) We must pursue our stability in Christ. (v.4-8) We must proclaim our identity in Christ. (v.9-10)
Building Our Faith 1 Peter 2:1-12 We must progress to maturity in Christ. (v.1-3) We must pursue our stability in Christ. (v.4-8) We must proclaim our identity in Christ. (v.9-10) We must protect our credibility for Christ. (v.11-12)
Living As Strangers 1 Peter 2:13-25 Our testimony is effective when: We respect the authority in our lives. (v.13-20)
Living As Strangers 1 Peter 2:13-25 Our testimony is effective when: We respect the authority in our lives. (v.13-20) We show respect with willful submission. (v.13-14)
Living As Strangers 1 Peter 2:13-25 Our testimony is effective when: We respect the authority in our lives. (v.13-20) We show respect with willful submission. (v.13-14) We show respect by honorable service. (v.15-17)
Living As Strangers 1 Peter 2:13-25 Our testimony is effective when: We respect the authority in our lives. (v.13-20) We show respect with willful submission. (v.13-14) We show respect by honorable service. (v.15-17) We show respect through humble suffering. (v.18-20)
Living As Strangers 1 Peter 2:13-25 Our testimony is effective when: We respect the authority in our lives. (v.13-20) We resemble the attitude of our Lord. (v.21-25)
Living As Strangers 1 Peter 2:13-25 Our testimony is effective when: We respect the authority in our lives. (v.13-20) We resemble the attitude of our Lord. (v.21-25) We remember our accountability to the Lord. (v.13,15,19,20,25)
Living in Relationship 1 Peter 3:1-12 Our world is transformed for Christ: By our private relationships. (3:1-7)
Living in Relationship 1 Peter 3:1-12 Our world is transformed for Christ: By our private relationships. (3:1-7) Wives honor their husbands with their: excellent conduct
Living in Relationship 1 Peter 3:1-12 Our world is transformed for Christ: By our private relationships. (3:1-7) Wives honor their husbands with their: excellent conduct external clothing
Living in Relationship 1 Peter 3:1-12 Our world is transformed for Christ: By our private relationships. (3:1-7) Wives honor their husbands with their: excellent conduct external clothing exceptional character
Living in Relationship 1 Peter 3:1-12 Our world is transformed for Christ: By our private relationships. (3:1-7) Wives honor their husbands with their: excellent conduct external clothing exceptional character eternal commitment
Living in Relationship 1 Peter 3:1-12 Our world is transformed for Christ: By our private relationships. (3:1-7) Husbands honor their wives with their: encouraging affirmation
Living in Relationship 1 Peter 3:1-12 Our world is transformed for Christ: By our private relationships. (3:1-7) Husbands honor their wives with their: encouraging affirmation compassionate appreciation
Living in Relationship 1 Peter 3:1-12 Our world is transformed for Christ: By our private relationships. (3:1-7) Husbands honor their wives with their: encouraging affirmation compassionate appreciation loving adoration
Living in Relationship 1 Peter 3:1-12 Our world is transformed for Christ: By our personal relationships. (3:8-12)
Living in Relationship 1 Peter 3:1-12 Our world is transformed for Christ: By our personal relationships. (3:8-12) To reflect Christ in our personal relationships: we must relate to others with compassion.
Living in Relationship 1 Peter 3:1-12 Our world is transformed for Christ: By our personal relationships. (3:8-12) To reflect Christ in our personal relationships: we must relate to others with compassion. we must respond to opposition with humility.
Always Ready 1 Peter 3:13-22 We must be prepared to suffer for Christ. (v.13-14)
Always Ready 1 Peter 3:13-22 We must be prepared to suffer for Christ. (v.13-14) We cannot compromise the truth.
Always Ready 1 Peter 3:13-22 We must be prepared to suffer for Christ. (v.13-14) We cannot compromise the truth. We cannot compromise our testimony.
Always Ready 1 Peter 3:13-22 We must be prepared to share Christ. (v.14-17)
Always Ready 1 Peter 3:13-22 We must be prepared to share Christ. (v.14-17) We must be prepared with: A spirit that is courageous. (v.14)
Always Ready 1 Peter 3:13-22 We must be prepared to share Christ. (v.14-17) We must be prepared with: A spirit that is courageous. (v.14) A heart that is committed. (v.15)
Always Ready 1 Peter 3:13-22 We must be prepared to share Christ. (v.14-17) We must be prepared with: A spirit that is courageous. (v.14) A heart that is committed. (v.15) A mind that is capable. (v.15)
Always Ready 1 Peter 3:13-22 We must be prepared to share Christ. (v.14-17) We must be prepared with: A spirit that is courageous. (v.14) A heart that is committed. (v.15) A mind that is capable. (v.15) An attitude that is caring. (v.15)
Always Ready 1 Peter 3:13-22 We must be prepared to share Christ. (v.14-17) We must be prepared with: A spirit that is courageous. (v.14) A heart that is committed. (v.15) A mind that is capable. (v.15) An attitude that is caring. (v.15) A conscience that is clean. (v.16-17)
Always Ready 1 Peter 3:13-22 We must be prepared to stand for Christ. (v.18-22)
Always Ready 1 Peter 3:13-22 We must be prepared to stand for Christ. (v.18-22) Jesus was punished for our sin. (v.18)
Always Ready 1 Peter 3:13-22 We must be prepared to stand for Christ. (v.18-22) Jesus was punished for our sin. (v.18) Jesus preached to the spirits. (v.19-20)
Always Ready 1 Peter 3:13-22 We must be prepared to stand for Christ. (v.18-22) Jesus was punished for our sin. (v.18) Jesus preached to the spirits. (v.19-20) Jesus purifies our souls. (v.21)
Always Ready 1 Peter 3:13-22 We must be prepared to stand for Christ. (v.18-22) Jesus was punished for our sin. (v.18) Jesus preached to the spirits. (v.19-20) Jesus purifies our souls. (v.21) Jesus prays for the saints. (v.22)
Always Ready 1 Peter 3:13-22 We must be prepared to stand for Christ. (v.18-22) Jesus was punished for our sin. (v.18) Jesus preached to the spirits. (v.19-20) Jesus purifies our souls. (v.21) Jesus prays for the saints. (v.22) Jesus presides as the Savior. (v.22)
Equipped to Live 1 Peter 4:7-11 We must be devoted to one another in: Focused prayer. (v.7)
Equipped to Live 1 Peter 4:7-11 We must be devoted to one another in: Focused prayer. (v.7) Fervent love. (v.8-9)
Equipped to Live 1 Peter 4:7-11 We must be devoted to one another in: Focused prayer. (v.7) Fervent love. (v.8-9) Faithful service. (v.10-11)
When Ridiculed 1 Peter 4:12-19 3 Types of Suffering
When Ridiculed 1 Peter 4:12-19 3 Types of Suffering ‘Common’- a result of your life’s circumstances.
When Ridiculed 1 Peter 4:12-19 3 Types of Suffering ‘Common’- a result of your life’s circumstances. ‘Carnal’ - a result of your sin’s consequences.
When Ridiculed 1 Peter 4:12-19 3 Types of Suffering ‘Common’- a result of your life’s circumstances. ‘Carnal’ - a result of your sin’s consequences. ‘Christian’ - a result of your faith’s convictions.
When Ridiculed 1 Peter 4:12-19 We can expect Christian suffering w/certainty. (v.12)
When Ridiculed 1 Peter 4:12-19 We can expect Christian suffering w/certainty. (v.12) We can embrace Christian suffering w/comfort. (v.13-14)
When Ridiculed 1 Peter 4:12-19 We can expect Christian suffering w/certainty. (v.12) We can embrace Christian suffering w/comfort. (v.13-14) We can evaluate Christian suffering w/caution.(v.15-18)
When Ridiculed 1 Peter 4:12-19 We can expect Christian suffering w/certainty. (v.12) We can embrace Christian suffering w/comfort. (v.13-14) We can evaluate Christian suffering w/caution.(v.15-18) We can endure Christian suffering w/confidence. (v.19)
Alert Living 1 Peter 5:1-12 How to value church leadership (v.1-5)
Alert Living 1 Peter 5:1-12 How to value church leadership (v.1-5) The responsibility of the pastors (v.2-4)
Alert Living 1 Peter 5:1-12 How to value church leadership (v.1-5) The responsibility of the pastors (v.2-4) Pastors should be gentle shepherds. (v.2)
Alert Living 1 Peter 5:1-12 How to value church leadership (v.1-5) The responsibility of the pastors (v.2-4) Pastors should be gentle shepherds. (v.2) Pastors should be humble servants. (v.3)
Alert Living 1 Peter 5:1-12 How to value church leadership (v.1-5) The responsibility of the pastors (v.2-4) Pastors should be gentle shepherds. (v.2) Pastors should be humble servants. (v.3) Pastors should be faithful stewards. (v.4)
Alert Living 1 Peter 5:1-12 How to value church leadership (v.1-5) The responsibility of the people (v.5)
Alert Living 1 Peter 5:1-12 How to value church leadership (v.1-5) The responsibility of the people (v.5) God’s people should follow leadership w/respectful submission.
Alert Living 1 Peter 5:1-12 How to value church leadership (v.1-5) The responsibility of the people (v.5) God’s people should follow leadership w/respectful submission. God’s people should follow leadership w/humble support.
Alert Living 1 Peter 5:1-12 How to have victory in the Christian life (v.6-12)
Alert Living 1 Peter 5:1-12 How to have victory in the Christian life (v.6-12) We have victory when we rest in God. (v.6-7)
Alert Living 1 Peter 5:1-12 How to have victory in the Christian life (v.6-12) We have victory when we rest in God. (v.6-7) We have victory when we resist our enemy. (v.8-9)
Alert Living 1 Peter 5:1-12 How to have victory in the Christian life (v.6-12) We have victory when we rest in God. (v.6-7) We have victory when we resist our enemy. (v.8-9) We have victory when we reach our goal. (v.10-12)