口病實驗平時考試 (9) 姓名 學號 日期 組別 大組 A/B/C 小組 1/2/3
平時考(1):請分別於slides 057, 058, 059標示口腔病理特徵cystic wall, lumen/cavity, lining epithelium of radicular cyst
平時考(2):請標示口腔病理特徵hyaline bodies arising from lining epithelium of radicular cyst
平時考(3):請標示口腔病理特徵cystic wall, lumen/cavity, lining epithelium (corrugated appearance, palisaded basal layer) of keratocystic odontogenic tumor (slides 060, 061)
平時考(4) : 請標示口腔病理特徵cystic wall, lumen/cavity, lining epithelium (ghost cells, ameloblastic-like cells, stellate reticulum, osteodentin) of Gorlin cyst
平時考(5) : 請標示口腔病理特徵cystic wall (odontoma), lumen/cavity, lining epithelium (ghost cell) of Gorlin cyst
平時考 (6): A 28 years old female patient came to our OD dept for treatment of dental caries of upper left tooth. The periapical X-ray reveals a unilocular radiolucent lesion over interradicular area of tooth 22 23 was noted, measuring 3.0 x 2.4 cm in size. Some irregular calcified materials were present within the lesion. No pain or bony expansion was noted. An enucleation was performed in OS Dept., and the specimen was sent to oral pathology dept for diagnosis. Please explain your clinical & histopathological diagnosis (at least 150 words with downloaded microscopic pictures from slides 057-063 of KMUOP website).
平時考 (7): A 36 years old male patient came to our Prostho dept for evaluation of prosthesis fabrication over lower right area. The panoramic x-ray reveals an intrabony well-defined multilocular radiolucent lesion over left posterior maxilla, measuring 2.5 x 2.2 cm in size. The unerupted tooth 28 was involved in this lesion. No bony expansion or pain was noted. A bone biopsy was performed for diagnosis. Please explain your clinical & histopathological diagnosis (at least 150 words with downloaded microscopic pictures from slides 057-063 of KMUOP website).
平時考 (8): A 46 years old female was referred from LDC (local dental clinic) for an apical radiolucent lesion of tooth 22. In oral examination, gumboil with presence of sinus tract over labial gingiva of tooth 22 was noted. Percussion and palpation pain of tooth 22 was also complained. The periapical X-ray reveals a well-defined radiolucent lesion of apical area of tooth 22, measuring 1.0 x 0.9 cm in size. She stated she had endodontic treatment of tooth 22 15 years ago. After surgical enucleation, the lesion was sent to Oral Pathology Dept. for examination. Please explain your clinical & histopathological diagnosis (at least 150 words with downloaded microscopic pictures from slides 057-063 of KMUOP website).
平時考 (9): A 27 years old male patient was referred from LDC (local dental clinic) for a lesion over his right mandible. No prominent facial swelling or bony expansion was noted, and no pain or drainage was complained. The panoramic x-ray reveals a well-defined unilocular radiolucent lesion over right mandibular body (tooth 45 46 47 area), measuring 3.4 x 2.5 cm in size. A bone biopsy was performed for diagnosis. Please explain your clinical & histopathological diagnosis (at least 150 words with downloaded microscopic pictures from slides 057-063 of KMUOP website).
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