Fall Parent Input Meeting MARCH 2017 BOTH SESSIONS Henry County Middle School Mr. James Mercer, Principal Fall Parent Input Meeting MARCH 2017 BOTH SESSIONS Title I School-wide Plan, Parent Involvement Plan, School- Parent Compact & School-wide Budget Input Meeting
Meeting Agenda What is a Title I School? Benefits of being a Title I School 2016 CCRPI Results Value of Parent Input Review of 2016-2017 School-wide Plan Overview of 2016-2017 School-wide Budget Review of 2016-2017 Parent Involvement Plan and School-Parent Compact Parent Input Breakout Sessions: (10 minutes per session) Title I School-wide Plan Title I Budget Parent Involvement Plan School-Parent Compact
Title I Overview The purpose of Title I is to make sure that all children have the opportunity to have a high quality education. Title I is a federally funded program ensuring that all children meet challenging State academic content and student academic achievement standards. Title I funds can be used to improve curriculum, instructional activities, counseling, parental involvement, increase staff and program improvement.
Current CCRPI Score Under the 2016 renewal of Georgia’s ESEA Flexibility Waiver, certain Title I schools continue to be designated as Reward, Priority, or Focus Schools. The Waiver allows the use of the College and Career Ready Performance Index (CCRPI) as the comprehensive report card for all schools in Georgia, providing a score between 0- 100 for each school—measuring how well the school is doing in preparing its students to be successful in college and/or a career. Henry County Middle School’s current CCRPI score is 52.5. You may visit www.GeorgiaStandards.org to find out more information about the details of the score.
2016-2017 School-wide Plan A school-wide program is a comprehensive reform strategy designed to upgrade the entire educational program in a Title I school; its primary goal is to ensure that all students, particularly those who are low-achieving, demonstrate proficient and advanced levels of achievement on State academic achievement standards. Overview of HCMS Title I School-wide Plan
Title I School-wide Budget Title I Budget: $423,900 P.I. Budget: $2,021.67 This year, HCMS would like to use our Title I Parental Involvement funds to purchase resources to help our families support their students in our school’s academic focus areas, which are Science and Math. We would also like to purchase Parent Workshop materials, as well as furniture for the Family Resource Center and resources that will encourage parents to be more involved in their children’s education.
2016-2017 Parent Involvement Plan Each school receiving Title I, Part A funds is required to jointly develop with, agree on with, and distribute to parents of participating children a written parental involvement policy(plan). Parents will be involved in planning, reviewing, and improving this plan throughout the school year at meetings, conferences and other events.
2016-2017 School-Parent Compact Each school receiving Title I funds must develop with parents of participating children a school-parent compact, describing: What parents, school staff, and students will do to improve student achievement. How the school and families will build a partnership to help children succeed. How the school and families will communicate regularly with each other.
Parental Involvement Resources HCMS Family Resource Center – Ms. White District Family Resource Center: Located in McDonough (formerly McDonough Elementary) Sheryl Matthews, Ed. S. Title I Specialist, Henry County Schools sheryl.matthews@henry.k12.ga.us Visit Ms. Williams in Room 901 before leaving today
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