Oil Spill Eric Jones Mrs. Johnson English IV Capstone January 30, 2013 2nd period
How can you stop oil spills from happen? The best way to stop oil spills from happening is pretty simple. You can stop drilling into the earth and come up with another source like electricity Water or anything else that we can use besides oil.
How do Oil Spill happen? Oil spills into rivers, bays, and the ocean are caused by accidents involving tankers, barges, pipelines, refineries, and storage facilities. Spills can be caused by: Drilling people making mistakes or being careless. equipment breaking down. natural disasters such as hurricanes. deliberate acts by terrorists, countries at war, vandals, or illegal dumpers.
Pictures of what it had did to the ocean.
What had happened in the Gulf of Mexico. It had happen on Friday November 16, 2012 The incident happened roughly 20 miles off the coast of Grand Isle, Louisiana, on a platform used for production, not drilling. About 28 gallons of fuel spilled into the region. The 11 injured were airlifted off the platform, and nine additional crew members were safely evacuated off the platform.
How it will affect us in the future? Its killing a of animals The gas prices will continue on going up affecting the ocean
What effects will it have on the animals that lives in the oceans? Oil spills can effect ocean habitat, both offshore and onshore. sea turtles, right whales, penguins, seals, lobsters and other animals will probably die.
Works Cited Albin Susan and Joseph Hartman. “Outsourcing operations in offshore drilling.” Industrial Engineer June 2011. 54 David E. Dismukes, Omowumi O. Iledare, Dmitry Mesyanzhinov and Allan G. Pulsipher.” Oil spills, work place safety and firm size; evidence from the U.S. Gulf of Mexico OCS.” The Energy Journal October, 1997. 73 Mark A. Cohen, Madeline Gottieb, Joshua Linn and Nathan Richardson. “Deepwater drilling: law, policy, and economics of firm organization and safety.” Vanderbilt law Review November. 2011. 1853 Valenti Michael. “Improving actuators to minimize offshore drilling to minimize offshore drilling emergencies.” Mechanical Engineering- CIME March. 1992. 28 Winters Jeffery. “All at sea: now the the carts for offshore oil drilling have quieted, just what resources lie in America waters?” Mechanical Engineering- CLME. June. 2009. 52