America Business Etiquette Caleb McCallister
population BOY Girl There are 318.9 Million people as of 2014 The boy to girl ratio is about even at 50% BOY Girl
Ethnicity Caucasian- 77% African American- 17.7% Hispanic or Latino- 13.3%
language The Main language in America is English, but others are spoken such as Spanish and Chinese
Gift Giving/ Dressing Attire Gift giving often occurs during celebrations such as Christmas, Birthdays, and Valentines day The dress attire for Americans differs depending on the occasion. For a formal business meeting or church event, one might wear a suit. For casual wear in the summer, one could be seen wearing shorts and tee shirt or tank top with flip flop/sandals or tennis shoes. For casual wear in the winter, jeans, shirts, and coats are sufficient attire.
Greetings/Table manners A typical greeting for the American culture would be a hand shake, a hug (if your familiar with the person) and are usually followed by hey or hi and your name. Table Manners are pretty basic. Do not smack while you eat, keep mouth closed while eating food, keep your elbows off the table, and say thank you to the server.
Facts/Travelers/ Individual traveler Red, White, and Blue are the Country Colors Venus Fly traps are only found in Carolina and only in the world Most of the travelers to America usually are business travelers or tourist.
Misgivings or problems Some problems you may encounter while traveling to America is making sure all your Passport info is correct. When entering America from an outside country, a current Passport is vital.