Reading Like a Historian with the Stanford History Education Group The Salem Witch Trials Reading Like a Historian with the Stanford History Education Group
What do you know about the Salem Witch trials?
Summary Popcorn Reading Strategy
Whole Class Discussion Why do you think the people of Salem believed the girls’ accusations of witchcraft? Even if the people of Salem truly believed in witchcraft, why would there be so many accusations all at once, and all of a sudden?
Essential Question: What caused the Salem witch crisis of 1692? As you look at pieces of evidence, work in pairs to complete only the top chart for evidence A & B.
Essential Question: What caused the Salem witch crisis of 1692? Evidence A & B Summary: What type of document is Evidence A? What type of document is Evidence B? Based on these 2 documents, why did the people of Salem believe the girls’ testimony?
Essential Question: What caused the Salem witch crisis of 1692? Work in pairs to complete the bottom chart for evidence C & D. These 2 pieces of evidence tell us a little more about the historical context.
Essential Question: What caused the Salem witch crisis of 1692? Evidence C & D Summary: What else was happening in 1692? Why might economic concerns have contributed to the witch crisis? How does the information in C & D change your view of what caused the Salem witch crisis?
What caused the Salem Witch Trials of 1692? Adding Up the Evidence Using information from all 4 pieces of evidence, write a paragraph answering the following question: What caused the Salem Witch Trials of 1692?