Cooperative Work Experience & Internship Program Program Review Presentation April 30th, 2014
Program Description Overview Students WEXP is a unique, experiential, academic program which allows students to apply what they have learned in the classroom to a work environment while earning college credit fosters self-directed learning, reflective practice, and transformative learning by integrating classroom curriculum with planned, supervised internship/work experience. Students Students who participate come from a variety of programs such as: Apprenticeship, Art New Media, Automotive Technology, Biology & Biotechnology, Business, Dance, Electronic Technology, Geography/GIS, Gerontology, Horticulture, Hospitality Management, Human Services, Interior Design, Natural Resources, Recreation, and Theatre Arts Students who have various educational and career goals including earning Certificates, AA/AS, Transfer Overview WEXP is a unique, experiential, academic program which allows students to apply what they have learned in the classroom to a work environment while earning college credit fosters self-directed learning, reflective practice, and transformative learning by integrating classroom curriculum with planned, supervised internship/work experience. Students Students who participate come from a variety of programs such as: Apprenticeship, Automotive Technology, Biology & Biotechnology, Business, Dance, Geography/GIS, Gerontology, Horticulture, Hospitality Management, Human Services, and Theatre Arts Students who have various educational and career goals including earning Certificates, AA/AS, Transfer
Program Description Instruction Direct Services for Students General Work Experience Education WEXP 198 Occupational Work Experience Education WEXP 298 Occupational Work Experience Education WEXP 498 Direct Services for Students Provide support services Provide education and training Work in partnership with students, business, the community, government, and other schools to foster community and economic development Support Work Experience 198/298/498 instructors and ensure compliance with Title 5 regulations Instruction: The Work Experience and Internship Program provides the campus community with a variety of course options to promote student success. General Work Experience courses are taught by a total of 4 adjunct faculty. Discipline specific Work Experience courses are currently taught by a total of 13 faculty from 6 areas. Instruction 3 courses: 1. General Work Experience Education WEXP 198 - supervised employment, which is intended to assist students in acquiring desirable work ethics, habits, attitudes and career awareness. The work experience is not related to the students’ educational/career goals and is not transferable. 2. Occupational Work Experience Education WEXP 298 - Supervised employment extending classroom-based occupational learning at an on-the-job worksite designed for students interested in associate/certificate degree level related to students’ educational or career goals. Occupational Work Experience Education WEXP 498 - Supervised employment extending classroom-based occupational learning at an on-the-job worksite designed for students interested in transfer degree level work experience related to students’ educational or career goals. In all of the above examples employment/worksite can be their job, paid or unpaid internship, or related volunteer opportunity. Direct Services for Students Coordinator and Classified Staff: Provide support services to help students identify and achieve their employment goals Provide education and training to prepare students for internship/work experience Work in partnership with students, business, the community, government, and other schools to foster community and economic development (e.g. through internship development) Support Work Experience 198/298/498 instructors and ensure compliance with Title 5 regulations
Benchmarks Faculty designed assessment plan Students were evaluated by their on-site supervisors (employers) using a rubric/exits survey comprised of 10 – 15 direct measures of knowledge, skills and abilities: work quality, organization/time management, working with others, oral/written communication, initiative, adaptability, The departmental goal: 80% of WEXP 498 Spring 2013 students to average 3 or higher in a 1 to 5 rubric scale The department target of 80% was reached for Spring 2013. This indicates a 9% increase from Spring 2010 to Spring 2013. Faculty designed assessment plan Students were evaluated by their on-site supervisors (employers) using a rubric/exits survey comprised of 10 – 15 direct measures of knowledge, skills and abilities: work quality, organization/time management, working with others, oral/written communication, initiative, adaptability, The departmental goal: 80% of WEXP 498 Spring 2013 students to average 3 or higher in a 1 to 5 rubric scale Spring 2010: 75% of the students evaluated by their respective employers averaged 3 or higher. Spring 2013: 84% of the students evaluated by their respective employers averaged 3 or higher. The department target of 80% was reached for Spring 2013. This indicates a 9% increase from Spring 2010 to Spring 2013.
Program -- Strengths Program Relevancy Program Remains Current with Workforce Trends District Collaboration Title V Compliance Internal Advisory Committee Fostering community and economic development with students, business, the community, government, and other schools Personalized services to students Autumn Gold Recipient (2010) Maximizing resources Program Relevancy Nationally, companies plan to increase the number of interns they hire (NACE - National Association of Colleges and Employers, 2013) Internships offer students the opportunity to develop or enhance “soft skills” (NACE, 2013) Program current with workforce trends to provide optimum and relevant services to ARC students District Collaboration LINCS (online employment database), collaboration with sister campuses (regular meetings regarding policies and procedures) Title V Compliance Document auditing and scanning Internal Advisory Committee to provide input on the strategic direction, goals, and activities of the program and to serve as liaisons for their respective areas Fostering community and economic development with students, business, the community, government, and other schools Develop internship opportunities, offer LINCS, pre-screen students who are referred to internships Personalized services to students Advising includes resume and cover letter development/enhancement and interview preparation Autumn Gold Recipient (2010) Program was one of five programs showcased at the 13th annual Autumn Gold fundraiser Maximizing resources With 1.5 permanent staff, the program has found creative ways (e.g. webshops, classroom presentations, resources on LINCS, and a dynamic website) to continue to serve the entire campus community
Program -- Challenges Staff Space/Facilities With only one full-time coordinator and one half-time SPA, serving all 50+ programs of study (35-40,000 students, employers in the greater Sacramento area, and campus faculty) requests (e.g. student appointments, internship development, classroom presentations) are increasingly challenging to meet. Space/Facilities A permanent program space would allow for the program to: optimize the physical layout and configuration of the space to enhance the resources and services the program offers to both students and industry members. maintain consistent availability to our past, current, and prospective students populations as well as faculty and industry members Staff With only one full-time coordinator and one half-time SPA, serving all 50+ programs of study (35-40,000 students, employers in the greater Sacramento area, and campus faculty) requests (e.g. student appointments, internship development, classroom presentations) are increasingly challenging to meet. 2010 – 2014 an average of 2, 200 students had direct contact WEXP each year To have a more successful program, visibility must be consistently maintained and continued, requiring more permanent staff. Space/Facilities A permanent program space would allow for the program to: optimize the physical layout and configuration of the space to enhance the resources and services the program offers to both students and industry members. maintain consistent availability to our past, current, and prospective students populations as well as faculty and industry members.
Planning Implications Maintain Focus on providing services to students from all programs of study and disciplines Course offerings Title V compliance Enhance Curriculum updates Utilization of LINCS system Employer outreach materials Establish Case management process Data tracking system Marketing platform Virtual outreach As the program looks forward, committed to student success and workforce preparedness as well as maintaining strong relationships with the entire campus community Maintain Focus on providing services to students from all programs of study and disciplines which includes: Internship Development and Internship Referrals Outreach strategies (classroom presentations, webshops, and event outreach) Advising to students to prepare them to apply to internships (e.g. resume, cover letter, mock interviews) Course offerings that include both general and discipline specific courses Title V compliance by remaining current and following established procedures and requirements Enhance Curriculum updates by exploring how the curriculum intersects with other ARC programs of study and meets industry needs in the Sacramento region Utilization of LINCS system in partnership with sister campuses (e.g. district wide data management, update of user interface) Employer outreach materials to evolve into a comprehensive “Employer Toolkit” Establish Case management process for in-person services to students Data tracking system to measure students’ and employers’ use of program services Marketing platform that highlight: Industry partners who provide internship opportunities for students Students’ internship/work experience successes Virtual outreach which may include: Multimedia outreach (e.g. outreach to online classes, WEXP You Tube Channel, videos for employers)