PSQM Hub Leaders Conference September 2013 Bryony Turford Leeds Hub
Creating ‘Hubness’… plus Make contact every fortnight 3 half day sessions Share email address in session 1 A one workshop day Reminders via the website Gap tasks that will be shared Make contact every fortnight
Ready from the off! Pack per school Tracker sheet Refreshments on arrival Basics from session 1 Website log ins from Sarah
Action planning… Link carefully to core documents from session 1 Must feature at least one core document next to each criteria in the action plan New structure of action plans since R6 has helped
KEY QUESTIONS SILVER INDICATORS ACTIONS NEEDED What do I need to do to achieve the indicator? WHO is involved? WHEN by? IMPACT What changes will I see? EVIDENCE What can I use to show this? SECTION A: SUBJECT MANAGEMENT A1 There is an effective subject leader for science There is a named member of staff responsible for the leadership of the subject. They have received subject-specific training in the last three years and have shared this with all colleagues in the school. VR has attended training with the science and learning centre. This was centred around effective science leadership. In response to the training VR to introduce ‘science blast’ concept to all teachers. VR to share exciting and stimulating investigation ideas with teachers to promote SC1 skills. Each class to have a science blast session each week (half hour to 45 minute sessions) in addition to on-going science lessons. Teachers to use a range of resources including ICT (concept cartoons etc) and share ideas in a shared folder. VR and all teachers Training Summer 2013 Review impact with staff Autumn term 2013 Increase in SC1 being carried out across the school because of Subject Leader Training. Increased enthusiasm for science across the school in both teachers and pupils. Extracts from pupil interviews showing impact of science blasts before and after training. These should show increased enthusiasm and confidence for science across the school (slides in portfolio). Examples of photographs showing exciting investigations taking place together with examples of planning showing how SC1 is being planned for effectively (slides in portfolio).
Gap Task 1 by session 2 (about 4-6 weeks later) Log on within 48 hours 2 Complete self assessment and allocate band 3 Hold a staff meeting to develop core principles 4 Carry out a pupil voice activity
Gap Task 2 by start of BIG holiday after start date 1 Write action plan and upload to website 2 Upload core principles 3 Upload school development plan 4 Action your action plan – reflect in session 3
Gap Task 3 1 Post 3 reflections online by next BIG holiday – I review and feedback by end of holiday 2 First draft of all other reflections by final session 3 First draft of all remaining core docs by final session 4 First draft of portfolio by final session for peer reviewing
Gap Task 4 1 Everything uploaded by deadline (2 weeks before the real deadline ) 2 Receive a ‘DONE’ message from me for each section 3 Give yourself a pat on the back 4 Prepare for awards night!
On Thursday 23rd May 9am – 4pm Next Session DAY 2 PART 2 On Thursday 23rd May 9am – 4pm There will be 30 min 1-1 sessions with each school scheduled throughout the day and a two hour workshop session between 10.30am – 12.30pm to share portfolios and core documents Lunch provided Access to internet & laptops available all day 10
Sharing good practice
Gold day! During session 3 Encourage the others to email / postcard impact and evidence of their presentation. Gold schools can use this evidence in their submission Invite Gold schools to host session 2 or 3 Gold day! Gold sharing in session 3 Gold schools can use this evidence in their submission Invite Gold schools to host sessions 2 or 3
Super Subject Leadership! A1. B2. D2. Subject leaders have conducted training sessions with the Garforth Family of Schools and the Leeds Science Network covering concepts such as the development of Sc1 through outdoor learning and the use of creative arts in science. “Just a quick e-mail to let you know that our staff have responded well to the ideas that you shared from the course you led on science and the creative arts. Helen” East Garforth Primary science subject leader. “Hi Amy, After seeing and using the outdoor learning box you made for the outdoor classroom course I returned to school and made one for our school. It has been a great resource- thanks for the ideas. Cherry, science subject leader St Mary’s Boston Spa”
Sharing workshop in session 4 Everyone shares their CPD log SL log Calendar of events Peer evaluation Magpie What I like… What would work even better if…
Portfolios: tips for good ones Share good practice from early on Expect an early draft at session 4 (at least 6 weeks before submission) What makes these ‘good’ portfolios?
My hit list for a ‘good’ Portfolio… Limited slide numbers (no more than 20) Always linked to a criterion One or two examples of things Cherry pick the best egs that demonstrate progress They have been peer reviewed as well as the hub leader
Submission Tips! REMINDER Think about your reviewer when writing impact statements they have 1 HOUR to read everything!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU have to decide what is relevant to the reviewer, not leave it to them to pick out the best bits. slide from my presentation
Regular hub emails including local CPD opportunities On-going CPD… Regular hub emails including local CPD opportunities Mini CPD sessions from me such as feedback from ASE conference, PSTT website, upcoming national events, leaflets and flyers picked up wherever I go Keep in touch afterwards… 3 of my round 4 schools are presenting on National Science Learning Centre courses this term, another 3 are presenting at Leeds Network meetings this year @priscigeeks Bryony Turford @priscigeeks