Back-to-School Night 2017 Welcome back!
New Things At Londonderry TRIMESTERS! We will meet after the first (December) and second (March) report cards are sent home! Report cards will look different this year! I will be going over them at conferences, so bring questions!
New Things At Londonderry Spelling Word Study now includes: Spelling Words Reading Words USING Words Students will be in a word study group based on their needs. Spelling test days will vary, depending on the skill. Check your homework packet for test days.
SIGHT WORDS Next week you will get a list of sight words for the YEAR—117 words. Please practice at home: reading and writing A set will be assessed after each marking period (more information to come!)
YELLOW FOLDERS Homework School information Graded work Newsletter Need a preview? See Mrs. Deibler to check out what to expect YELLOW FOLDERS Homework School information Graded work Newsletter Word Study Cards *Please check every night *I will check every morning
See Mrs. Deibler to check out what to expect Need a preview? See Mrs. Deibler to check out what to expect Homework “Packets” Life is BUSY! Homework packets allow you to choose when to complete assignments during the week and build basic skills *Where?: yellow folder *Collected Fridays
Newsletters Sent home weekly: Important dates Need a preview? See Mrs. Deibler to check out what to expect Newsletters Sent home weekly: Important dates What we are learning that week Birthdays Specials for that week Reminders *Where: Yellow Folder
This year, we’re using ClassDojo to build our classroom community We’ll build a positive culture where students are engaged, encouraged, and love learning! All parents are part of our classroom community, seeing what we’re learning every day.
How we’ll use ClassDojo As a teacher, I will: Post announcements and updates regularly on Class Story Share photos and videos of our classroom activities Send private messages to keep you in the loop! Students will: Share classwork on their own digital portfolio Only family members will be able to view their work
What do parents see? You’ll see the Story of our classroom: Photos and videos from class Important updates and announcements Your child’s digital portfolio Private messaging between the two of us Translate any message or Class Story post into your preferred language!
iOS, Android, Kindle Fire Let’s get connected! 3 easy steps 1. Download the app iOS, Android, Kindle Fire 2. Sign up as a parent 3. Enter your code!
Thank you for your support at home Thank you for your support at home. Please contact me with questions, comments, or concerns throughout year!