PORTFOLIO FOLDERS – PARTs 1&2 Take your work home!
A place to keep your masterpieces! Using a posterboard, you will create a large folder in which to keep the artwork you create this year. PART 1: One side of the folder will be free-style drawing: Complete PART 1 this week (9/27-29) Whatever you want to draw (school-appropriate, of course) MUST FILL UP the one side of the folder with drawing. No big empty white space. PART 2: The other side will showcase your name drawn in LINEAR PERSPECTIVE: Complete PART 2 next week (10/2)\ DO NOT WORK ON THIS SIDE. I will teach Linear Perspective next week.
Draw on only ONE SIDE of the fold!!! PART 1 Instructions SUPPLIES: 1 piece of white posterboard Pencil, Markers, Colored Pencils Position poster board in a vertical manner (should look tall). FOLD in half – bottom to top – and crease it. On ONE side only, draw an imaginative design using imagery and text (if you want text). Need ideas of what to draw? Use a theme around which you will draw objects. Draw objects that reflect your personality, values, aspirations, etc. Add color. It MUST HAVE color. Draw on only ONE SIDE of the fold!!!
One-Point Perspective (click to watch ‘how-to’ video) * PART 2 Instructions LINEAR PERSECTIVE Vocabulary: Horizon Line/ Eye-Level Line Vanishing Point Orthagonal Line Element of Art: SPACE One-Point Perspective (click to watch ‘how-to’ video) GUIDED PRACTICE: (formative grade) Complete the packet of One-Point (or Two-Point) Perspective drawings. Due at the end of class Wednesday. Click here for the History of Perspective Drawing Technique
Horizon Line/ Eye-Level Line Vanishing Point Where the sky and earth meet; OR eye level. Vanishing Point ALWAYS on the horizon line. Only one point in one-point perspective drawing. Represents the farthest distance from the viewer. The point where all objects “vanish”. Steps to drawing your name in one-point perspective: Find the middle of your name and the middle of your paper. LIGHTLY draw a horizon line. LIGHTLY draw the vanishing point somewhere ON the horizon line. LIGHTLY draw guidelines between which your name will sit. HOLLY Write out the letters of your INITIALS in BLOCK form, centering it on the paper. Draw the orthogonal lines from each corner of the letters to the vanishing point. Draw the back sides and bottoms/ tops of the letters, making the lines PARALLEL to the ones on the front of the letters.
Names drawn in Two-Point Perspective
INSTRUCTIONS Use hole punch to punch holes up the right and left sides (NOT the folded or top open edge). Lace up the right and left sides with yarn and secure so they won’t come undone. Side ONE: Free-style decorate. Side TWO: YOUR NAME using the Linear Perspective technique. ADDITIONAL 3 OBJECTS drawn in Linear Perspective. Add color.
Grading Portfolio Folder w/ One-Pt Name Folder construction; functional Linear Perspective Name: straight, parallel vertical lines, & parallel horizontal lines Linear perspective concept Overall completion, coloring, workmanship Grading