Integration of Analytics in Alma Viewing usage data in Alma Yoel Kortick Senior Librarian
The inquiry Two examples How does it work? Our specific results
The inquiry When I search for a portfolio in Alma and click “More Info” I get a link to “Combined Usage (last 12 months)”. When I click it I get a graph. Where is this data and graph coming from? Also, how come sometimes I really do see the last 12 months but sometimes I see only part of the last 12 month period?
The inquiry Two examples How does it work? Our specific results
Example 1 Here we search for Electronic Portfolio title “Feminism & Psychology” and we will click “More info”
Example 1 The “More info” gives us a link to the “Combined Usage (last 12 months)” and has a “952” next to it
Example 1 Clicking the link (in April 2016) provides this graph, which includes from May 2015 to March 2016 250 uses in Mar. 125 uses in Oct. 12 uses in Oct.
Example 2 Here we search for Electronic Portfolio title “Feminist review” and we will click “More info”
Example 2 The “More info” gives us a link to the “Combined Usage (last 12 months)” and has a “2668” next to it
Example 2 Clicking the link (in April 2016) provides this graph, which includes from May 2015 to Nov 2015 1,275 uses in Jul. 1,086 uses in Sep. 113 uses in May 17 uses in Oct.
The inquiry Two examples How does it work? Our specific results
How does it work? When the staff user clicks “More info” and sees the number of “uses” this is from the “Journal Usage Counter”. The “Journal Usage Counter” comes from the COUNTER reports which are in Alma analytics “Usage Data” subject area “Usage Data Details” folder.
How does it work? When the staff user clicks the usage link (the number of uses) after clicking “More info” he receives the graph which is in Alma analytics called “usage by title – graph” and located under “Shared Folders/Alma/Usage/Reports”
How does it work? The number of months which will display for the last 12 month period will depend on what months are included in the COUNTER reports which have been loaded by the library. Example 1 “Feminism & Psychology” has May 2015 to March 2016 because the COUNTER reports loaded by the library included these dates. Example 2 “Feminist review” has only May 2015 to Nov 2015 because the COUNTER reports loaded by the library included only these dates.
How does it work? In order to see how the “usage by title – graph” located under “Shared Folders/Alma/Usage/Reports” works to display the date: copy the report from the “Alma” folder to a folder under the institution and edit it.
How does it work? We see for example that it includes only the last 12 months because it has this filter: select "Usage Date"."Date Key" from "Usage Data" where "Usage Date"."Date Key" between TimeStampAdd(SQL_TSI_MONTH,-12,current_date) and current_date
How does it work? We see for example that it includes the measure “Journal Usage Counter” from the “Usage Data” subject area “Usage Data Details” folder. "Usage Data Details"."Journal Usage Counter"
The Use Case The reports Summary Our specific results
Our specific results from example 1 Lets see why we got a total of 952 uses for May 2015 to March 2016 for title “Feminism & Psychology” In the Usage Data subject area we will make a report displaying the Year Key Month Key Display Title Journal Usage Counter We will filter by Display title = “Feminism & Psychology” Date Key is greater than or equal to 12 months ago
Our specific results from example 1 "Usage Date"."Date Key" >= TIMESTAMPADD(SQL_TSI_MONTH,-12,CURRENT_DATE)
Our specific results from example 1 Includes May 2015 to March 2016 Total of 952
Our specific results from example 1
Our specific results from example 2 Lets see why we got a total of 2668 uses for May 2015 to Nov 2015 for title “Feminist review” In the Usage Data subject area we will make a report displaying the Year Key Month Key Display Title Journal Usage Counter We will filter by Display title = “Feminist Review” Date Key is greater than or equal to 12 months ago Exactly like previous report, just changing the filter by title
Our specific results from example 2 "Usage Date"."Date Key" >= TIMESTAMPADD(SQL_TSI_MONTH,-12,CURRENT_DATE)
Our specific results from example 2 Includes May 2015 to Nov. 2015 Total of 2,668
Our specific results from example 2
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