REMOTE SENSING IN THE ARCTIC REGION Project Lead: Dr. Martin Cenek Research Assistants: Matt Devins Mike Mobley Slide numbers Motivation: what about estuaries? How does this research connect to resilience and est. Add affiliation and contacts
What is Remote Sensing? Remote sensing is the acquisition of information about an object or phenomenon without making physical contact with the object and thus in contrast to on site observation. ( Remote sensing is the science of obtaining information about objects or areas from a distance, typically from aircraft or satellites. (
Why Remote Sensing? Vast difficult to reach landscape Reduced Manpower Versatility Ability to collect large data sets for analyzation
Remote Sensing Challenge Problem Solutions Cost Environment Infrastructure Get someone else to pay for it/design Design for easy deployment Reliable autonomous design
Our Design – The Hardware
Our Design – The Hardware Inexpensive Capable/Versatile Pins – 14 digital, 8 analog Clock speed – 16MHz Flash memory – 32KB SRAM 2KB EEPROM – 1KB Embedded UHF Transceivers for comm
Our Design – The Software
Our Design – The Software The heart of the system is the node software Initialization/Distance Vector algorithm Establishes shortest path options for each node to each of the four readout nodes Event Detection Interfaces with sensor to detect event occurrence Neuromorphic determination to propagate Big E Event Propagation 2 way handshake protocol ensures delivery Re-routes packet if node failure occurs
Our Design – The Software Network behavior/testing through simulation NetLogo was used to simulate network behavior due to the challenges of testing the network in a deployed configuration Along with the assistance of Eureqa software, the simulation was vital to develop a triangulation methodology Enable rapid performance testing with multiple node distribution/connectivity
Hardware/Software Integration Readout Nodes Nodes inside not GPS, no uplink, only see and know about its neighbors The readout nodes are more powerful, connected to the outside world (satelite, com net, phone..)
Event Detection Began with simple voltage signal on analog pin Event detection triggered radio to propagate signal to each of the four readout nodes (this was initially a challenge due to high level of RF jamming) Neuromorphic event detection (reduce false hits) …neuromorphic computing, is a concept developed by Carver Mead, in the late 1980s, describing the use of systems containing electronic signals to mimic neuro-biological architectures present in the nervous system. (Thanks again Wikipedia!)
Triangulation Great! We detected an event, now where was it?
Triangulation Typical RF triangulation uses highly synchronized clocks stabilized by precise oscillators Our hardware platform does have clocks but the drift and clock maintenance required makes traditional triangulation impossible We used empirical observation to derive a triangulation solution that we implemented in the simulation software
Simulator Triangulation
Simulator Triangulation Our initial attempt was able to properly triangulate the event 75% of the time We weren’t satisfied so we got assistance from Eureqa software to help derive a formula Improved to 99% triangulation success
Event Detection with Triangulation
In Development: Data Collection PHP interface connected to MySQL DB to collect and analyze event data
In Development: Sound Processing Current work includes processing of sound samples and comparing them with predefined signatures Enables detection of particular set of sound profiles Ignores/Filters unmatched noise
Life Cycle