Parable of the Sheep and Goats Matthew 25:31-46
Judgment of the Nations God’s throne of glory is his throne of Judgment (Matt. 25:31, Psm. 9:7-8)
Judgment of the Nations God’s throne of glory is his throne of Judgment (Matt. 25:31, Psm. 9:7-8) Man’s destiny has been prepared at least from the foundation of the world (Matt. 25:34, 41)
Judgment of the Nations God’s throne of glory is his throne of Judgment (Matt. 25:31, Psm. 9:7-8) Man’s destiny has been prepared at least from the foundation of the world (Matt. 25:34, 41) Blessedness and Cursed are connected with invitation to come by the Father or depart from Jesus, the judge (Matt. 25:34, 41).
Judgment of the Nations God’s throne of glory is his throne of Judgment (Matt. 25:31, Psm. 9:7-8) Man’s destiny has been prepared at least from the foundation of the world (Matt. 25:34, 41) Blessedness and Cursed are connected with invitation to come by the Father or depart from Jesus, the judge (Matt. 25:34, 41). Man’s destiny is eternal: everlasting punishment in an everlasting fire vs. everlasting life (Matt. 25:46, 41)
Judgment of the Nations Six circumstances affecting the Lord: did you minister? (Matt. 25:34-36, 42-44) I was hungry I was thirsty I was a stranger Naked I was sick I was in prison Ye did or did not!
Judgment of the Nations Six circumstances affecting “My brethren”: did you minister? (Matt. 25:40,45; Acts 9:4-5) I was hungry I was thirsty I was a stranger Naked I was sick I was in prison Ye did or did not!
Judgment of the Nations Six circumstances affecting “My brethren”: did you minister? (Matt. 25:40,45; Acts 9:4-5, Matt. 10:42) I was hungry I was thirsty I was a stranger Naked I was sick I was in prison Ye did or did not! EVEN THESE LEAST
Judgment of the Nations Any surprises at the Judgement? A non-Christian offered help in life to the Christian – but never obeyed the Gospel? A Goat thought he was a Sheep?
Judgment of the Nations Any surprises at the Judgement? A non-Christian offered help in life to the Christian – but never obeyed the Gospel? A Goat thought he was a Sheep? A Sheep who forgot the good deeds he did in the Lord? Jesus didn’t!
Parable of the Talents: Will be ADVANCING the Lord’s cause according to our given abilities? Parable of the wise and foolish virgins: Will We Be WATCHFUL for the Lord’s Return? Eternal life or Everlasting Punishment? Parable of the Sheep and Goats: Will we not FORGET THE LEAST of those who belong to our Lord ?