ICTs Good Practices
With a Smartphone you can..
With a Smartphone you can.. Stay connected to the Internet Perform a lot of useful tasks Surf the net and look for informations Find the solution of homework
With a Smartphone you can.. Listen to your favorite music Play games Watch some video or film Send messages, audio messages and photos
With a Smartphone you could... Be lazier, it is all at one click of distance Speak through a social network instead of going to the park or in the public square Be able to see and judge everyone else, and everyone else is able too Feel untouchable and start offending and treating others in very bad ways. Think that since you are not in front of the one you are mistreating you won’t be caught or that you are totally free of any law or ethics.
With a Smartphone you could... Connect constantly to the rest of the world missing a lot of real social opportunities, like speaking with a possible new friend. Walk around like zombies with your face stucked on your monitor Communicate with the rest of the world 24 hours a day and risk sending your personal data unknowingly
With a Smartphone you could... Be hacked and start sending out all your personal data probably with your own absent-minded permission. Install an application through an unknown or untrusted source and involuntarily let it register some information about you without noticing it. Perform payments (with the NFC chip inside our phone) treating it like a bancomat, but some thieves are able to steal your money from the phone when it is inside your pocket.
With a Smartphone you should... Leave the phone in airplane mode when going sleeping or when not using it. Learn to keep on only the sensors we’re using at the moment and when we have finished use to turn it off. Decide which data we are willing to share and which not, but the sensor are all turned on by default. Keep in mind that you cell phone is extremely powerful. All this power let’s you take with you all sort of information you wish, photos, music, books and a lot more fitted in your pocket.
Smartphone What do you think? Is it good or bad?
Social Networks and Chats, guess what..
Social Networks and Chats, guess what.. share information about our life with people we know publish a post with only two or three clicks making it visible to hundred or thousand of people.
Social Networks and Chats, guess what.. are a very direct and quick way to send a message to a single person or group share files (documents, photos, videos, position, etc) simplifies our work tasks or daily actions.
Social Networks and Chats, guess what.. Wikis sharing of knowledge on a lot of different themes. find all information we need and we can be quite sure of the correctness of them.
Social Networks and Chats, guess what.. Co-working simpler free to work wherever you wish to at any hour.
Social Networks and Chats, might... Reaches complete strangers loss of privacy and control on our personal information. Let view information also to people who are not part of the network chat with a complete stranger
Social Networks and Chats, are. Good Practices absolutely NOT anonymous REAL as your day by day life Never tell some stranger your personal information, Never send your photos Never offend someone or write something on a public page Your behaviours on the network lets people figure out who you are. Set properly your privacy settings on all the social networks you signed up. Choose to share your information only with people you really know and not worldwide.
Social Networks and Chats What do you think?