Political situation Francisco Franco died the 20th November 1975. With de dead of Franco the democratic transition started in Spain. Juan Carlos I de Borbón was proclaimed king two days after the dead of Franco. The King demanded the dimission of Carlos Arias Navarro as president and Adolfo Suárez continued with his functions. The 15th June 1977 Adolfo Suárez was proclaimed King by democratics elections. The 6th Decembre 1978 we voted the Spanish Constitution by a referendum.
Food The amount of food increased a lot, not only the quantify, also quality and diversity. The most consumed were potatoes, wheat, vegetables and meat. But we started having a complete diet.
Sports Andrés Gimeno Roland Garros 1972 Manuel Orantes US Open 1975
Music Joan Manuel Serrat Mocedades
Nino Bravo Paco de Lucía
Miguel Ríos
“Youth’s Memories Box” ref. no. 2015-2-RO01- KA105-015435 Fashion The mini-skirts became very popular in Young people. They also started using flares, platforms, small bags and psychedelic prints. “Youth’s Memories Box” ref. no. 2015-2-RO01- KA105-015435 project financed by the European Comission, through Erasmus+ program, implemented from 1st August 2015 to 30th April 2016 by 2 promoters- Asociatia Act Integration, from Drobeta Turnu Severin, Romania and the Youth department of the Council of Albacete, Spain. The KA1 youth exchange activity will take place in Romania, between 12th-22nd December 2015 This publication/communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Comission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.