Welcome to Sociology By B.A. Loeffler
Sociology is the scientific study of social structure
Someone who can’t find a job is __________________ Homelessness is a result of ______________________ Immigrants come here because of ____________________
Sociologists look for social rather than personal explanations. Young men join gangs because they have been taught by their society to be “masculine” More women divorce because of the social trend toward sexual equality. Teens commit suicide because of peer group expectations of performance, material possessions and physical appearance.
How might a sociologist view this incident? A man is walking down the street at night. A mugger, with a dog approaches the man and says, “ Give me all your money or I’ll have my dog attack you.” The man turns away and begins to run when he hears the dog growl, but realizing he will not be able to outrun the dog, he jumps on top of a car. The dog continues to bark and tries to jump on the car. The commotion attracts the attention of the clerk of a 24-hour market across the street, who runs out of the store and subdues the animal with pepper spray. The police arrive 20 minutes later, handcuff the mugger, and take the dog off to the pound. The police warn the man who was attacked against walking alone in that neighborhood late at night. How might a sociologist view this incident?
How do group behavior and individual behavior differ? Give examples. Why do people conform?
Sociological Imagination – The ability to see the link between society and self In general, how does society tend to view families with 5 or more children?
Auguste Comte Founder of Sociology Studied the distinction between social statics versus social change
Harriet Martineau 1802-1876 Introduced feminism Saw a relationship between women and slavery
Herbert Spencer Social Darwinist If government or society does not get involved then the strongest and fittest will survive
Karl Marx Must have conflict to create social change Writings used for the basis of Communism
Emile Durkheim Society exists because of an agreement among its members First to use statistical techniques First to teach a university Sociology course
Max Weber Nature of Power Religions Social Classes Bureaucracy
Jane Addams Social Reformer Opened the Hull House in Chicago Educated immigrants Seen as the first social worker
W.E.B. DuBois Education will end discrimination Talented Tenth