Environmental Impact Assessment Proportionate Assessment Rufus Howard BSc LLM FIEMA CEnv PEIA MIoD 14th June 2017
2005 to 2013 Trends Over Time
Industry Evidence Programme (IEP) The Goals of the IEP are to: Focus EIA on the significant environmental topics Identify topics of negligible concern Identify topics with established mitigations that reliably reduce significance Identify topics with likelihood of significant adverse effects Provide a central hub for evidence, good practice and guidance Provide standardised and verified mitigation solutions Provide standardised templates for conditions Provide standardised monitoring for impacts during construction and operation Provide evidence to support decisions that lead to a proportionate EIA Reduce costs and programme for developers, regulators and stakeholders Provide greater legal and scientific certainty for all stakeholders Establish knowledge gaps to direct further research
Steering Committee
Existing Model EIA Missing link Scoping Baseline Screening EIA Mitigation Plans HRA / WFD Monitoring
? Proposed New Model IA Missing link complete via IEP IA Screening (Inc. HRA/WFD) Front Loaded Scoping Screening Desk Based Baseline ? Additional Baseline Mitigation & Management Plans Industry Evidence Programme Adaptive Monitoring Missing link complete via IEP
Marine Archaeology Summary of Project Of they 117 Major impacts identified how many were substantively mitigated? 90% (exc. Visual) 50 Offshore Wind Farms over 17 years 3000 documents, 19 GB data, typically 18 EIA chapters 10 postgrad researchers, expert survey, workshops 117 Major Adverse identified. Median: 2, Range: 0 – 4.4 What are the two most frequently cited major impacts? Marine Archaeology Landscape and Visual (Seascape) Of the 25 Major archaeological impacts how many were mitigated to below significant thresholds? 90% Of the 24 Major visual impacts how many were mitigated to below significant thresholds? 0%
First Pass Review - Positives Of they 117 Major impacts identified how many were Positive? 10 How many of the wind farms recorded contribution to climate change transition, or reduction in carbon generation assets as a major positive impact? Of the 10 major positive impacts how many were Socio – Economic? 7 Why did the other 43 windfarms not record major socio-economic benefits? Is there any evidence of ecological benefits from fisheries exclusion, new substrate etc.?
Digital Assessment
Clients and Regulators Views? www.theneweis.com
Any Questions? @Rufus_Howard https://uk.linkedin.com/in/impactassessment