FDES: Chapter 4 From the Basic Set to the Cores Set of Environment Statistics Understand you are more expert than I in some topics. I’m a generalist. I know less and less about more and more. Feel free to ask questions of clarification. Save the technical discussions for discussions and coffee breaks. FDES: Framework for the Development of Environment Statistics
Outline Level 1 (15 min) 1. Basic set vs Core set 2. Basic set 3. Core set Group discussion (15 min) See link to YouTube video… FDES Chapter 4
Learning objectives Level 1 Recognize the difference between the Basic Set and the Core Set of FDES Understand the criteria for both sets Be able to identify gaps Core Statistics in your country All of these sessions are simply an introduction to the manual. They are not a substitute. Consider the manual as your Textbook! FDES Chapter 4
What are core and basic? Developed in response to Basic Set Developed in response to Country demand Relevance Correspondence to FDES topics Statistics are useful for Generating national sets Reporting Calculating indicators Producing environmental- economic accounts Tier 3 Tier 2 Tier 1 Core Set FDES Chapter 4
The Basic Set Comprehensive but not exhaustive Flexible to adapt to national priorities and capacity Tiers based on Relevance Availability Methodological development Tier 1 = Core Set FDES Chapter 4
The Basic Set Basic set Tier 1 (Core set) Tier 2 Tier 3 Number of statistics 100 200 158 Relevance High Medium Depends on context Resources and time required Low Methodology Very good Good Needs testing Priority Short term (1-2 years) Medium term (3-5 years) Long term (5-10 years) FDES Chapter 4
The Core Set+ 100 statistics + Some qualitative descriptions Expert consensus on relevance and feasibility To foster collection, coordination and harmonization of environment statistics At national, regional and global level FDES Chapter 4
Core Set (Tier 1) selection criteria Meets the needs of a variety of users Responsive to changes in the environment and human activities Relevance Data and meta-data readily available Acceptable quality, updated regularly, able to compile in short term Measurability Use scientific and professional methods Use internationally-agreed concepts and methods Methodological soundness: FDES Chapter 4
Basic and Core in FDES structure The Core Set is highlighted in bold. There is additional methodical guidance. The complete Basic Set can be found at: http://unstats.un.org/unsd/environment/FDES/BasicSet.htm FDES Chapter 4
Use of the Core Sets Get started! Add to existing collections Most relevant Focal point for inventory Get started! More complete statistical description of priorities Make coherent with international recommendations Add to existing collections Existing collections may be event driven Build collections with ongoing relevance Identify gaps FDES Chapter 4
Group discussion Which of the Core Set are missing in your country? What are some important data gaps? Discuss as we present each component. Has anyone done an inventory? FDES Chapter 4
Reminder: Individual exercise Your environmental SDG indicator (from the box) Write on card which FDES Component/sub-components address this. We will summarize on Day 3 Need to change references to inventory! Compendium of Philippine Environment Statistics (CPES) FDES Chapter 4
Acknowledgements Materials prepared by: Materials adapted from: Michael Bordt Regional Adviser on Environment Statistics ESCAP Statistics Division bordt@un.org Materials adapted from: UNSD (Environment Statistics) FDES presentations: Tanzania: http://unstats.un.org/unsd/environment/unsd_EAC_Projec t.html Togo: http://unstats.un.org/unsd/environment/unsd_TogoWorks hop.html (aussi en Français) Interpretations are my own! FDES Chapter 4