Unit Book 10_课件_U1_Reading2-8 2 Grammar and usage Ellipsis
KYB period 2 -checking
Some parts of sentences are left out Some parts of sentences are left out. We use ellipsis when we do not want to repeat words or phrases that are obvious.
1.-Have you seen this opera? -Yes, I have (seen it). 2. -Will the performance be put off till next week? -I hope (it will) not (be put off till next week). 3. ---When will they arrive? ---In about two hours. (You) Come here, please. The actor was born in 1961, and his wife in 1964. The opera house now looks better than when I visited it last year. (They will arrive in about two hours.) it did
Your examples?
In some special styles of ellipsis, words are left out to save space and time. These include signs and labels, newspaper headlines, instructions, postcards and diaries, notes, etc.
Signs This is a one-way street. No smoking is allowed here.
Instructions Please handle this with care. Put this side up, please.
Headlines Houses destroyed in weekend storms. Some houses were destroyed in the storms during the weekend. Mayor says he won’t quit. The mayor says he won’t quit.
Notes These are bright ideas.
Postcards I wish you were here.
Textbook P24 Textbook P25 A & B
Rewrite the following sentences with ellipses. What about some more coffee for you? Why do you get so upset? Why do you not do it at once? It’s a pity you didn’t get the chance. —Shall I go to play badminton? —If you like, you can go to play badminton. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
Homework KYB period 4