Spring Term 1 2016 House Competitions
A New Competition that will be Launched Shortly!!!! More details and deadlines to follow Please read!! “Only YOU can save the world: design, create or invent what humanity needs. Make the world happier, safer or more sustainable with your creation and WIN.” Posters Will be mailed in January which will have the entry details and prizes, there will also be some learning material that accompanies the competition topics.
Autumn Term 2015/ November-December Faculty/Subject Member of staff Competition Venue Time/deadline date Launch date Spring Term 1 5/1/16 DT S Woodgate Yes Chef On going Learning support S Stanley Staff Zorb Football To be Confirmed History NRK 29th January PCA RLE Lion King 18th January PE SPG Badminton Monday 11th January House Sam Buckley Indoor Bowls 5/1/16 LRC S Potter LR Reading Competition Feb December Business and ICT VMB The Alan Turing Cryptography Competition 25th January September Business VMB Student investor challenge On going Maths CJD Cipher Challenge Mathematician Video competition
The ALAN TURING Cryptography Competition. Must be registered by 25th January 2015. Registration is now open. Competition ends 8th April 2015. Email or hand to Mrs Brenton your team name The names of your team members – a team can be 1, 2,3 or 4 people. Which year you are in. House Points for all students who enter. The ALAN TURING Cryptography Competition. The Tale of the Artificial Adventure Do you like breaking codes and solving ciphers? Can you, and your friends, unravel the Artificial Adventure? Would you like the chance to use your mathematical skills to win some great prizes? http://www.maths.manchester.ac.uk/cryptography_competition/
History Competition 2016 The aim is to present an aspect of your personal history. It could be about: Family History e.g. a relative who fought in WWI or WWII, your family tree etc. A historical object that you have at home A trip that you have made to a historical site You can choose the way that you present your work. It could be a: Poster Presentation Video Booklet The deadline for entries is Friday 29th January Hand in entries to Mr Kirby in C309 or email to nkirby@qe.dorset.sch.uk
Lion King Poster Competition OBJECTIVE: Design a Lion King poster to be displayed in school to promote the forthcoming event. Entries may be in a medium of your choice and must include the following information: QE School presents – The Lion King Dates – 3rd, 4th, 5th & 6th of February 2016 7.30pm Tickets: qe.dorset.sch.uk Competition deadline: 18th January All entries to be handed in to a member of the PCA faculty by Monday 18th January 2016
INTER HOUSE BADMINTON There will be an inter house badminton tournament starting in January Please sign up with Mr Drewitt (in the PE office) If you are interested! By Monday 11th January
Short mat Bowls Competition 1 Student from each house 1 member of staff from each house 2 balls 3 ends to play each house Venue: - Sports hall Day: - Tuesday lunch times Names to Sam Buckley by Monday 11th January (email 14buckleysamuel ) Draw to be advertised next week
LRC Reading Challenges Collect leaflets from the LRC QE Reading Challenge complete as many challenges as you can: Gold Silver Bronze Bonus points Challenge Yourself 2015/2016 How many categories can you tick off during the year House points awarded for every book you read from the LRC
LRC reading reCompetition All reading from the LRC earns house points – some books more points than others! Each half term the number of books read by students in each house will be tallied and the results published The higher up the league your house finishes the more points it will earn towards the end of year award. Read to succeed!!
Good Luck everyone