Resident Satisfaction Survey 2017 East Lothian Resident Satisfaction Survey 2017 North Berwick Coastal Results Summary May 2017
Overview: Research Objectives To establish the public’s views on general and specific aspects of Life in East Lothian In particular to establish levels of satisfaction, and sources of dissatisfaction when contacting the Council More generally, to establish the customer experience when contacting the Council To strengthen the evidence base which will support and inform the development of East Lothian’s Single Outcome Agreement
Overview: Methodology Survey data consists of 1565 completed interviews Questionnaires completed in respondents home Fieldwork conducted during 20th February to the 31st March 2017 Sample constructed to ensure representation of adult population (18+ years) Quotas set to ensure representation of age groups and gender at Ward level Structure of sample base on fixed accuracy levels +6% in each of the 6 multi member wards and +2% for East Lothian Overall. Survey response and confidence intervals Electoral Ward Sample Base 2017 Survey Population (adults aged 18+ years) Confidence Interval (at 95%) Dunbar & East Linton 258 11070 6.03% Haddington & Lammermuir 255 13873 6.08% Musselburgh 271 16682 5.90% North Berwick Coastal 261 11133 5.99% Preston Seton Gosford 259 14852 6.04% Tranent, Wallyford & Macmerry 16525 6.02% Total East Lothian 1565 84,135 +/- 2.45%
Figure 1: Household composition (Q35)
Figure 2: Do you own your home, or rent it? (Q36)
Figure 3: Qualifications (Q37)
Figure 4: Internet Access (Q41) The options to this question have changed since the 2011 survey. However, the proportion of respondents with no internet access has decreased from 35% in 2011 to 17% for North Berwick Coastal respondents.
Figure 5: Methods of accessing the internet (Q42)
Figure 6: Working status (Q31)
Figure 7: Working location (chief earner) (Q39)
Figure 8: Main travel method to work (Q40)
Figure 9: Access to private transport (Q38)
Figure 10: Age (Q30)
Figure 11: Financial management (Q43)
Figure 12: Savings and investments (Q44)
Figure 13: In overall terms how would you rate your neighbourhood as a place to live? (Q1)
Figure 14: Thinking about your local neighbourhood, do you think it has got better, stayed the same or got worse over the last 3 years? (Q2)
Figure 15: How strongly do you feel you belong to your immediate neighbourhood? (Q3)
Figure 16: And overall, how would you rate East Lothian as an area to live? (Q4)
Figure 17: Thinking generally, which of the things below would you say are most important in making somewhere a good place to live? (Q5) Q5 Thinking generally, which of the things below would you say are most important in making somewhere a good place to live? East Lothian 2017 (n=1563) NBC 2017 (n=259) NBC 2011 (n=261) Primary & Secondary Schools 47% 61% 38% Access to outdoors, parks and open spaces 17% 24% 6% Wage levels and local cost of living 12% 25% 29% The level of crime 30% 40% Jobs for local people 43% 49% 28% Activities for teenagers 8% 9% 10% Health services 69% Affordable decent housing 41% 32% Care for older people 16% 21% 14% Sense of community 26% The level of traffic congestion 13% 7% Shopping facilities 37% 22% Public transport Sports and leisure facilities 15% Road and pavement repairs 18% Facilities for young children 4% Clean streets 20%
Figure 18: And thinking about your neighbourhood, which of the things below, if any, do you think most needs improving? (Q6) Q6 And thinking about your neighbourhood, which of the things below, if any, do you think most need improving? East Lothian 2017 (n=1563) NBC 2017 (n=259) NBC 2011 (n=261) Primary & Secondary Schools 3% 1% Access to outdoors, parks and open spaces 0% Wage levels and local cost of living 4% 5% 10% The level of crime Jobs for local people 7% 19% Activities for teenagers 8% 11% 13% Health services 6% Affordable decent housing 9% Care for older people Sense of community 2% The level of traffic congestion Shopping facilities Public transport Sports and leisure facilities Road and pavement repairs 16% 27% Facilities for young children Clean streets
Figure 19: How safe or unsafe do you feel walking alone outside in your local neighbourhood after dark? (Q7)
Figure 20: To what extent do you feel threatened by crime in this neighbourhood these days? (Q8)
Figure 21: How much would you say the crime rate in your local area has changed in the last 2 years? (Q9)
Figure 22: How much would you say your confidence in the Police being able to respond to any crime being reported has changed since 2 years ago (Q10)
Figure 23: From what you know or you have heard, do you think the overall amount of crime in East Lothian as a whole has gone up, gone down, or remained the same over the past 2 years? (Q11)
Figure 24: How would you currently rate your own health? (Q12)
Figure 25: Do you have a physical or mental health condition or illness lasting or expected to last 12 months or more? (Q13)
Figure 26: Nature of health condition or illness (Q14) Q14 Can you describe the nature of this health condition or illness? East Lothian North Berwick Coastal Base 239 36 Mental health condition 12% 8% Dementia 0% Mobility/ physical disabilities 49% 39% Learning difficulties (e.g. dyslexia) Difficulties with sight 3% Learning disability (e.g. Down's Syndrome) Developmental disorder (e.g. Autistic Spectrum Disorder or Asperger's Syndrome) Difficulties with hearing 2% Respiratory disease Cancer 4% Diabetes 10% 11% Heart disease or condition 18% 31% High blood pressure 15% 24% Addiction (such as drugs, alcohol or some other addiction) Other condition (please write in)
Figure 27: Smoking habit (Q15)
Figure 28: Can you describe what kind of exercise you take part in Figure 28: Can you describe what kind of exercise you take part in? By exercise we mean more vigorous activity which takes hard physical effort and you breathe much harder than normal. (Q16)
Figure 29: How often, on average, do you take part in exercise? (Q17)
Figure 30: Can you describe what kind of moderate physical activity you do? By moderate activity we mean activity which makes you feel a little warmer, your heart beats faster and you may get a little out of breath. (Q18)
Figure 31: How often on average, do you take part in physical activity Figure 31: How often on average, do you take part in physical activity? (Q19)
Figure 32: Mental wellbeing (Q20)
Figure 33: Statements about support networks (Q21) Q21 To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? Strongly agree Tend to agree Neither/ nor Tend to disagree Strongly disagree Don't know Q21a If I was alone and needed help I could rely on one of my friends/ relatives in this neighbourhood to help me East Lothian (n=1563) 51% 40% 5% 1% 0% 2% NBC (n=259) 56% 41% 3% Q21b If my home was empty, I could count on one of my friends/ relatives in this neighbourhood to keep an eye on my home 54% 4% 57% 39% Q21c I feel I could turn to friends/ relatives in this neighbourhood for advice or support 50% 37% 7% 38% Q21d In an emergency, such as a flood, I would offer to help people in my neighbourhood who might not be able to cope well 58% 35% 68% 29%
Figure 34a: To what extent do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements (Q22) Q22 To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following? % agree % neither/ nor % disagree % no opinion Q22a My local Council provides high quality services East Lothian (n=1563) 72% 18% 6% 4% NBC (n=259) 74% 16% 2% 8% Q22b My local Council does the best it can with the money available 79% 10% 5% 82% 7% Q22c My local Council is addressing the key issues affecting the quality of life in my local neighbourhood 61% 23% 9% 67% 12% 19% Q22d My Council is good at listening to local people's views before it takes decisions 38% 30% 13% 48% 28% Q22e My local Council designs it services around the needs of the people who use them 70% 77% 1% Q22f My Council is good at letting local people know how well it is performing 62% 20% 75% 15% Q22g My local Council is good at letting people know about the kinds of services it provides 68% 11% Q22h I can influence decisions affecting my local area 25% 26% 45% 27% 14% Q22i I would like to be more involved in the decisions my Council makes that affect my local area 59% 54%
Figure 34b: To what extent do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements (North Berwick Coastal 2011 vs. 2017) Q22 To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following? (NBC 2011 vs. 2017) % agree % neither/ nor % disagree % no opinion Q22a My local Council provides high quality services 2011 79% 8% 3% 10% 2017 74% 16% 2% Q22b My local Council does the best it can with the money available 77% 7% 9% 82% Q22c My local Council is addressing the key issues affecting the quality of life in my local neighbourhood - 67% 12% 19% Q22d My Council is good at listening to local people's views before it takes decisions 42% 14% 37% 48% 5% 28% Q22e My local Council designs it services around the needs of the people who use them 11% 1% Q22f My Council is good at letting local people know how well it is performing 20% 75% 15% Q22g My local Council is good at letting people know about the kinds of services it provides 13% Q22h I can influence decisions affecting my local area 22% 24% 35% 45% 27% Q22i I would like to be more involved in the decisions my Council makes that affect my local area 25% 54% 6%
Figure 35a: Can you tell me how satisfied or dissatisfied you are with each of the following public services provided in East Lothian (Q23) Q23 How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with each of the folloing public services provided in East Lothian % satisfied % neither/ nor % dissatisfied % don't know Q23a Council house repair service East Lothian (n=1563) 18% 4% 2% 76% NBC (n=259) 21% 8% 69% Q23b Children's play areas 68% 12% 5% 15% 66% 3% 10% Q23c Libraries 72% 17% 63% 6% 28% Q23d Swimming pools/ sport centres 79% 9% 7% 78% 11% Q23e Parks, gardens and open spaces 93% 1% 91% Q23f Local bus services 77% 84% Q23g Local schools 87% 0% Q23h Support for frail/ older people to allow them to remain in their own home 58% 32% 56% 40% Q23i Waste & recycling services 89% 85% Q23j Roads maintenance 16% 75% 14% Q23k Street cleaning 86%
Figure 35b: Can you tell me how satisfied or dissatisfied you are with each of the following public services provided in East Lothian (Q23)..continued Q23 How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with each of the folloing public services provided in East Lothian % satisfied % neither/ nor % dissatisfied % don't know Q23l GP services East Lothian (n=1563) 84% 5% 9% 1% NBC (n=259) 95% 2% Q23m Dental services 93% 3% 97% 0% Q23n Hospital outpatients services 4% 7% Q23o Hospital A&E services 81% 6% 8% Q23p Fire service 88% Q23q Police
Figure 35c: Satisfaction with public services (North Berwick Coastal 2011 vs. 2017) Year % satisfied % neither/ nor % dissatisfied % don't know Council house repair service 2011 26% 1% 3% 69% 2017 21% 8% 2% Children's play areas 68% 7% 24% 66% 10% Libraries 80% 4% 0% 17% 63% 6% 28% Swimming pools/ sport centres 78% 5% 13% 11% Parks, gardens and open spaces 94% 91% Local bus services 49% 34% 84% 12% Support for frail/ older people to allow them to remain in their own home 44% 48% 56% 40%
Figure 36: How important would you say each of East Lothian Council’s current priorities are? (Q24) Q24 How important do you think East Lothian Council's current priorities are? Very important Important Not very important Not at all important Don't know/ can't say Q24a Growing our economy - we will increase sustainable growth as the basis for a more prosperous East Lothian East Lothian (n=1563) 70% 26% 0% 4% NBC (n=259) 71% 28% 2% Q24b Growing our communities - we will give people a real say in the decisions that matter most and provide communities with the housing, transport links, community facilities and environment that will allow them to flourish 72% 24% 29% 1% Q24c Growing our people - we will give our children the best start in life and protect vulnerable and older people 77% 22% 74% 25% Q24d Reducing inequalities - we will reduce the gap in life chances that exists between those most and least disadvantaged in our communities 27%
Figure 37: How important would you say each of East Lothian Partnership’s current priorities are? (Q25) Q25 How important do you think the East Lothian Partnership's current priorities are? Very important Important Not very important Not at all important Don't know/ can't say Q25a East Lothian has a growing sustainable economy East Lothian (n=1563) 71% 26% 0% 2% NBC (n=259) 72% Q25b The cycle of poverty is broken 75% 23% 24% 1% Q25c We are able to adapt to climate change and reduce finite natural resources 70% 4% 69% 28% Q25d East Lothian's young people are successful learners, confident individuals, effective contributors and responsible citizens 76% 22% Q25e East Lothian's children have the best start in life and are ready to succeed 79% 20% 78% Q25f In East Lothian we live healthier, more active and independent lives 74% Q25g East Lothian is an ever safer place Q25h East Lothian has high quality natural environments 25% 3% 73% Q25i Everyone in East Lothian has access to quality sustainable housing 77% 21% Q25j We have stronger, more resilient, supportive, influential and inclusive communities Q25k We will reduce inequalities both within and between our communities
Figure 38: Which 3 characteristics would closely match your hopes for East Lothian for the future?
Figure 39: Which of the 3 characteristics would be your top priority?
Figure 40: Do you agree or disagree with each of these options? (Q28) Q28 East Lothian Council and other public service provider are facing increasing challenges to meet the growing demand for its services while budgets continue to be reduced. To respond to this challenge they need to make changes to how it plans and delivers services in East Lothian. Some of the ways they are looking to do this are described on this card, how much do you agree with each of these options? Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Don't know Q28a Focus resources on those area of East Lothian where the need is greatest East Lothian (n=1563) 58% 37% 2% - 3% NBC (n=259) 64% 35% 0% 1% Q28b Reduce and manage the growing demand for some services 49% 4% 11% 60% 36% Q28c Focus on prevention and early intervention - taking action as soon as possible to tackle social problems before they become more difficult to turn around 69% 28% Q28d Deliver services in new ways, perhaps with more community involvement 52% 10% 34% 6% Q28e Identify those services which we should stop providing 9%