By: Ashby, Jason, Bruce, Reece Ayatollah Khomeini *Hint* The BOLDED statements are the most important By: Ashby, Jason, Bruce, Reece
Early Life of Khomeini Was born in the desert town of Khomein around 1902. His original name was Ruhollah Hendi. After moving with his religious leader as his disciple, “Khomeini became a religious scholar, wrote more than 20 books on Islamic subjects” (Funk & Wagnalls). Gradually recognized until he was the leader of the Shiite sect.
Takeover of Government Khomeini was an active critic of the Pahlavi dynasty: “he was arrested in 1963 and exiled, first to Turkey and then Iraq” (Funk & Wagnalls). Was then expelled from Iraq. He was found in a Paris. He continued his campaign against the Shah’s government system. Khomeini produced tape recordings that caused massive disobedience, “[t]hese were smuggled into Iran and broadcast to the people by shortwave radio” (Funk & Wagnalls). February 1979, he returned to Iran after the Shah had fled. Khomeini then presided over an Islamic revolution as an attempt to rid Iran of all it’s western influence. Hello
Ayatollah Khomeini Overview Ayatollah Khomeini became the faqih (supreme religious leader) of the Islamic Republic of Iran in 1979: “Grand Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini was the leader of the revolution and then of the Islamic Republic until his death in 1989” (Kagan). Khomeini overthrew the “Shah” government system. This government system already existed in Iran, prior to his rule. Khomeini had created a strong marxist (communist) economy, and community during his reign of Iran. Ayatollah Khomeini he was known for violation of human rights towards Iranians.
Good or Bad for Iran? November 1979, “Khomeini’s diatribes against the U.S. led to the storming of the U.S. embassy in Tehran and the seizure of 53 U.S. citizens as hostages—an action that [Khomeini] later endorsed” (Funk & Wagnalls). Wrote the New Constitution of the Islamic Republic Under Khomeini’s rule Iran turned politically unstable. Forced to endure economic hardships Engaged the future war with Iraq.
Ayatollah Khomeini’s Begin of His Reign Ayatollah khomeini’s Political career in Iran started quickly after the previous leader Shah, fled due to exile and massive protest. Khomeini returned to Iran and seized control over the government: “In March, the Islamic Republic of Iran was established, with Khomeini as its leader. The execution of hundreds of Pahlavi government officials followed” (Craig). Khomeini was known to perform harsh acts upon any of his opposers. He had all the the former government leaders who had any ties with the previous Shah government exiled.
His Control In 1980, the middle of his reign, Ayatollah Khomeini played a role in the attack on the Iraqi people. This war was used as in attempt to unite the Iranian people, but failed due to the effects of the war: “it had cost hundreds of thousands of Iranian lives and devastated the economy” (Craig). Also in the middle of his reign, people of the religious faith, “Baha'i”, would be able to be legally killed. This shows his complete intolerance of the diversity of his country.
The End He was injured when a bomb placed in a tape recorder explodes at a press conference He was the president of Iran October 13, 1981- August 3, 1989 He was secretary-general and member of the central command of the Islamic Republic Party. Ayatollah Khomeini died June 3, 1989 and was buried June 6, 1989. A bomb planted inside a tape recorder in an assassination attempt exploded during a mosque ceremony: “On August 30 another explosion killed the new president” (Schlesinger 100).
Works cited Frederick, Kagan. Critical Threats. March 1, 2009. Accessed 17 February 2017. Soodalter, Ron. "444 days in hell: Radical Islamic students in Tehran took 52 Americans hostage and kicked off a 14-month crisis that would humiliate a U.S. president and humble a superpower." Military History, Mar. 2017, p. 18+. 14 Feb. 2017. "Khomeini, Ruhollah." Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia (2016): 1p. 1. Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia. Web. 14 Feb. 2017. Craig, Michael. “Ayatollah Khomeini.” Salem Press Biographical Encyclopedia. (2015): 4-6. Galileo. Web. 17 February 2017.