Remembrance Day By Colm, Aidan and Dylan
Remembrance Day Remembrance Day is when everyone all over England to remember all the people who died in WW1. It is on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month.
Why do we have Remembrance Day? We have remembrance day because we respect the people who died in WW1. The war lasted 4 years and millions of heroic soldiers died. Even the survivors got terribly injured and the war changed them forever.
What do we do on Remembrance Day We have two minutes silence at 11 o’clock. On the nearest Sunday to the eleventh of November, we have a special church service where many scouts and brownies go. We lay poppies and wreaths to show our respect.
History of WW1 In 1914 two armies which were Great Britain, France and Russia and Germany, Hungary and Italy. They made many machines to try and win including tanks, planes and many soldiers In the end(1918), The Germans surrendered A tank and a plane from WW1
The Armistice Remembrance Day is also known as the armistice. It is a very important day for people who have not only lost people from WW1 but for the other people who have died in their family recently. There are many ceremonies in churches all over England
The Cenotaph In London there is a memorial called the Cenotaph where we lay wreaths The Cenotaph is in Whitehall in London The Queen lays her own personal wreath The Cenotaph
A poem on WW1 Oh! You who sleep in Flanders fields Sleep sweet- to rise anew! We caught the torch you threw And holding high, we keep the faith With All you died
Poem on WW1-part 2 We cherish, too, the poppy red That grows on fields where valour led It seems to signal to the skies That blood of heroes never dies But lends a lustre to the red Of the flower that blooms above the dead In Flanders fields
The Quiz
Part 1 Which side surrendered in WW1 The British The Germans Neither 2. How many hours silence do we have on the 11th of November? 1 2 None+2 minutes
Part 2-true or false? We have remembrance day because we remember the soldiers in WW2 TRUE/FALSE We have silence at 11 o’clock TRUE/FALSE The cenotaph is a memorial in blackhall TRUE/FALSE Remembrance Day is also known as the Poppy Day TRUE/FALSE
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