Use the verb essere with numbers to tell time.


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ANTE TODO In both English and Spanish, the verb to be (ser) and numbers are used to tell time.

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© and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc.1B.3-1 Punto di partenza Use the verb essere with numbers to tell time.
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Telling Time in Italian
Use the verb être with numbers to tell time.
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Copyright © 2011 Vista Higher Learning. All rights reserved ► Use numbers with the verb ser to tell time. To ask what time it is, use ¿Qué hora es?
Use the verb être with numbers to tell time.
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In both English and Spanish, the verb to be (ser) and numbers are used to tell time. Copyright © 2008 Vista Higher Learning. All rights reserved.
Punto di partenza In Italian, as in English, a verb is a word denoting an action or a state of being. The subject of a verb is the person or thing that.
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In both English and Spanish, the verb to be (ser) and numbers are used to tell time. Copyright © 2012 Vista Higher Learning. All rights reserved.
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Presentation transcript:

Use the verb essere with numbers to tell time. Punto di partenza Use the verb essere with numbers to tell time. © 2016 by Vista Higher Learning, Inc. All rights reserved.

To ask for the time in Italian, use ora (hour) in either the singular or plural form. Che ora è?/Che ore sono? What time is it? © 2016 by Vista Higher Learning, Inc. All rights reserved. 2

Express time with either sono or è, depending on the hour Express time with either sono or è, depending on the hour. Use è with mezzogiorno (noon), mezzanotte (midnight), and 1:00. Note the use of the definite article with una. È mezzogiorno/mezzanotte. È l’una. © 2016 by Vista Higher Learning, Inc. All rights reserved.

Express all other hours with sono le + [number]. Sono le sei. Sono le dieci. © 2016 by Vista Higher Learning, Inc. All rights reserved.

To express minutes from the hour to the half hour, use e (and) To express minutes from the hour to the half hour, use e (and). To express minutes from the half hour to the next hour, subtract the minutes from that hour using meno (minus). Sono le quattro e cinque. Sono le tre meno dieci. © 2016 by Vista Higher Learning, Inc. All rights reserved.

You can use un quarto or quindici for a quarter past, meno un quarto for a quarter to, and mezzo/mezza or trenta for the half hour. È l’una e un quarto. Sono le sette e mezzo. © 2016 by Vista Higher Learning, Inc. All rights reserved.

To distinguish between a. m. and p. m To distinguish between a.m. and p.m., use the expressions di mattina/del mattino (in the morning), del pomeriggio (in the afternoon), di sera (in the evening), and di notte (at night). Sono le tre del pomeriggio. It’s three p.m. Sono le undici di mattina. It’s eleven a.m. © 2016 by Vista Higher Learning, Inc. All rights reserved.

To ask what time something takes place, use A che ora To ask what time something takes place, use A che ora? Express the reply with a mezzogiorno/ mezzanotte, all’una, or alle + [all other hours]. A che ora è la lezione d’italiano? What time is Italian class? La lezione è alle dieci meno un quarto. The class is at 9:45. © 2016 by Vista Higher Learning, Inc. All rights reserved.

The 24-hour clock is often used to express official time, especially in schedules and store or museum hours. Il museo chiude alle sedici e trenta. The museum closes at 4:30 p.m. Il treno arriva alle venti e sette. The train arrives at 8:07 p.m. © 2016 by Vista Higher Learning, Inc. All rights reserved.

Days of the week In Italian, the days of the week (i giorni della settimana) are not capitalized. They are all masculine except domenica. Che giorno è? What day is it? Oggi è venerdì. Today is Friday. Domani è sabato. Tomorrow is Saturday. © 2016 by Vista Higher Learning, Inc. All rights reserved.

To express a recurring event, use the singular definite article before the day. Refer to a specific day without the article. Ho lezione d’italiano il lunedì. I have Italian class on Mondays. Vado in biblioteca lunedì. I’m going to the library on Monday. © 2016 by Vista Higher Learning, Inc. All rights reserved.

1. 1:00 p.m.: È __________ del pomeriggio. Complete each sentence with the correct time. 1. 1:00 p.m.: È __________ del pomeriggio. 2. 6:20 a.m.: Sono __________ di mattina. 3. 7:25 p.m.: Sono __________ di sera. 4. 12:00 p.m.: È _________. 5. 5:55 a.m.: Sono _________ di mattina. 6. 4:00 a.m.: Sono _________ di notte. 7. 3:30 p.m.: Sono _________ del pomeriggio. 8. 12:00 a.m.: È _________. l’una © 2016 by Vista Higher Learning, Inc. All rights reserved.