Welcome Students! Mrs. Alfiero B317


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome Students! Mrs. Alfiero B317

Always do your best and stay positive! Student Expectations 1. All school rules will be enforced in my classroom. 2. Arrive to class on time. 3. Be ready to work when the bell rings. 4. No electronics (cell phones, ipods, etc.) during class time unless it is appropriate for instructional purposes 5. Come to class prepared. Bring a pencil and a 3-ring binder with lined paper. (I usually have extra supplies in class) 6. Behave respectfully towards all in the room. Be polite! 7. Raise your hand to be acknowledged. 8. Do not disrupt others from learning. 9. Listen while others are speaking. Respect class material. Return all material that is borrowed during class. 11. Be honest! Don’t participate or give the appearance of contributing to any cheating, copying, or plagiarizing. 12. Participate in class to the best of your ability. 13. It is your responsibility to obtain notes and materials when you are absent. 14. Stay after school if you need help. 15. Communicate with your parents/guardians about your progress in the course. Always do your best and stay positive!

Grades The following formula is used to calculate your semester grade. 12%... Two End of Semester Exams Midterm/Final (A comprehensive, cumulative & summative assessment aligned to discipline specific standards that require students to demonstrate their achievement of content knowledge and skills.) 12%... Common Course Assessments/Anchor Tasks (A performance based, cumulative & summative assessment aligned to (1 of the 5) 21st century skills that require students to apply their learning to a new, discipline specific context. 76%... Coursework (Includes varied assessments that measure student progress and achievement of subject area standards, which include discipline specific knowledge and skills, and an assessment of student work habits.) The 76% Coursework will be made up of the following Summative Assessments 50% [The evaluation of student learning at the end of an instructional unit by comparing it against some standard(s) or benchmark(s).] Interim Assessments 50% [The evaluation of student learning at different points within an instructional unit that measure progress towards some standard(s) or benchmark(s).] Homework 0% Work Habits 0% [Aspects of behavior that enable a student to meet the demands of a course in accordance to standards.] The final grade for the course is an average of both semester grades.

Mrs. Alfiero’s policy on leaving the room. Please ask at the beginning or at the end of class. Do not ask while we are learning! After getting permission to leave you must fill out your student handbook which I must initial. You must sign out! You must sign back in when you return!

Attitude & Behavior ~Come to class every day with a positive and willing attitude! An open mind is a great thing. ~Complaining will not be tolerated. ~Always put forth your best effort! Grades are achieved; not received, so be sure to do your best at all times. ~Remember, you are in high school. You need to act and behave like young adults. Whether you think you are or not, you are a role model for younger students. Display behavior that you want them to look up to and admire.

Attitude and Behavior Continued ~Bad days happen! If you are having one of those days, I do understand. Please just inform me before class that you are having a bad day. ~Class participation is a must. It's time for you to come out of your shells if you haven't already! Don't be afraid to voice your opinion. We want to hear what you have to say. ~Have fun! If you walk into my room with the attitude that you "have" to be here and it won't be any fun, then you are probably right. However, if you approach Math with a willing attitude, it might just be fun! Go wild! Learn something new!

Be kind to each other! Don’t be like either of these two penguins!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SuhMtBHc5Z0