CMAQ Programs and Options Compiler and execution options for: ICON BCON JPROC MCIP CCTM
ICON – Compiler Options Executable nomenclature m3bld options – e.g. compile_all, verbose, Makefile Input data switch Mechanism conversion Debug mode? Chemical mechanism
ICON – Execution Options Episode nomenclature Horizontal grid resolution and grid definition Vertical layer structure Input/output directories and file names For nested runs: start date and time of parent data Executable name and location
BCON – Compiler Options Executable nomenclature m3bld options – e.g. compile_all, verbose, Makefile Input data switch Mechanism conversion Debug mode? Chemical mechanism
BCON – Execution Options Episode nomenclature Horizontal grid resolution and grid definition Vertical layer structure Input/output directories and file names For nested runs: start date and time of parent data, run length Executable name and location
JPROC – Compiler Options Executable nomenclature m3bld options – e.g. compile_all, verbose, Makefile Chemical mechanism Debug mode?
JPROC – Execution Options Episode nomenclature Time parameters: start date and end date Input/output directories and file names Executable location
MCIP – Compiler Options Makefile configuration, no build script Executable nomenclature Platform-specific compiler options
MCIP – Execution Options(1) Episode nomenclature Coordinate and grid names Input/output directories and file names Control options Recalculate PBL or use MM5 diagnosed values Recalculate radiation fields or use MM5 diagnosed values Dry deposition routine Episode start and end dates/times
MCIP – Execution Options(2) Sigma values of vertical layer boundaries Meteorology boundary adjustment Horizontal domain windowing options Executable name and location
MCIP – Window vs Boundary Trim MM5 Domain CMAQ Domain Window CMAQ Domain Boundary Adjustment
CCTM – Compiler Options(1) Executable nomenclature m3bld options – e.g. compile_all, verbose, Makefile Concentration adjustment toggle Horizontal and vertical advection routines Horizontal and vertical diffusion routines Photolysis toggle PinG routines
CCTM – Compiler Options(2) Gas-phase chemistry solver Aerosol chemistry routine Aerosol deposition velocity routine Cloud routine Process analysis toggle Debug mode? Chemical mechanism
CCTM – Execution Options Episode nomenclature Episode start date, start time, duration and time step Logfile and diagnostic options Overwrite, delete, or keep existing output files Input/output directories and file names Horizontal grid name and grid definition Vertical layer structure Specifications for integral averaged species output Process analysis domain specifications Executable name and location
CMAQ Programs Flow Chart $M3HOME $M3DATA ICON IC $M3MODEL $M3LIB $M3MODEL BCON BC $M3LIB $M3DATA JPROC JTABLE CCTM MM5 MCIP MET = programs = files = directories SMOKE EMIS scripts scripts $M3DATA