Welcome to Beyond The Basics Todays Agenda: *Teacher Resources @ Wicked Smart Investments *ETF’s Comparison to Mutual Funds *Teacher Activity: Fundamental & Technical Analysis *Teacher SMG Competition: Portfolio Building *Weekly SMG Team Portfolio Performance Update *Questions??????????
Top Two Teacher Resources for SMG: Google Finance Seeking Alpha Wicked Smart Investments Top Two Teacher Resources for SMG: Google Finance Seeking Alpha Three More Solid Resources: CNBC Morningstar NASDAQ Foundation
*Buying and Selling ETFs are flexible and easy to trade. *Investors buy and sell them like stocks, typically through a brokerage account. *SMG Trade Page Stocks * Mutual Funds Bonds *Investors can also employ traditional stock trading techniques; including stop orders, limit orders, margin purchases, and short sales using ETFs. *They are listed on major US Stock Exchanges. ETFs are subject to risk similar to those of stocks including those regarding short-selling and margin account maintenance. *Ordinary brokerage commissions apply. Fidelity ETF's
Diversification & Safety Long Term Mutual Funds SMG Portfolio, 403B Annuity, Traditional/Roth IRA, 401K Plan Name of Fund Mutual Fund Categories Symbol *Growth Funds Fund Manager *Income Funds Category *Balanced Funds Objective & Risk *G & I Funds Maintenance Fees *Sector Funds Top 5 Positions *Global Funds Sector & International Breakdown *Bond Funds One Year Performance *Money Market Funds Five Year Performance *Specialty Funds Performance Since Inception Vanguard Mutual Funds Benchmark Comparison S&P 500 The Janus Funds
Introducing Teachers/Students to Fundamental & Technical Analysis Industry Sectors 1. Telecommunications Verizon (VZ) vs. AT&T (T) 2. Technology Apple (AAPL ) vs. Google (GOOGL) 3. Health Care Johnson & Johnson (JNJ) vs. Pfizer (PFE) 4. Cyclical Consumer Goods Nike (NKE) vs. Under Armour (UA) 5. Non-Cyclical Consumer Goods Starbucks (SBUX) vs. Dunkin Donuts (DNKN) * Fundamental Analysis: uses research about the economy, the industry, and individual companies in the industry or sector. * Technical Analysis: researches market movement of stock prices with quotes, charts and graphs.
SMG Stock Research Worksheet A. COMPANY PROFILE Date Source Company Symbol Sector : 1. What does the company do? 2. Who are its closest competitors? 3. What is the company’s history?
B. Profitability Earnings Report Income Statement: How does the company's revenues and profits look over the past three years? 2. Cash Flow: How much liquidity does the company currently have to meet its financial obligations? 3. Balance Sheets: Does the company have a positive net worth based on current assets minus liabilities? Yes ________ solid on all three! No______ there are a few profitability issues
C. Institutional Ownership Institutional Ownership What percent of the company is owned by institutions? % Owned by Institutions _________________% Is institutional ownership more than 51% ? 90% ? Yes No No
D.Stock Price Analysis 1. What is the stock’s price? 52 week Low 1. What is the stock’s price? 52 week Low 52 week High Current Price 2. What is the stock’s current price trend? 3.Did the stock recently pay investors dividends? 4.What is the stocks current PE Ratio? 5.Has recent news on the company been a positive incentive for investors? Is the stock price in an uptrend? Yes No
E. Wrap Up 1. Tally your Yes and No responses.* Number of Yes responses Number of No responses 2. What are your thoughts on the pros and cons of investing in this company? * If you are buying the stock, it should have a majority of YESs. The more yes answers, the higher the quality. The SMG Stock Research Worksheet was developed by Nancy B. King, Alaska SMG Coordinator, NanKing@gci.net for use with The Stock Market GameTM. It is best used with Morningstar.com.
Outcomes: SMG teams will share their research findings to the class and select which company in their respective sector was the better choice. SMG teams will now decide the % of portfolio worth, the number of shares needed based on current price and execute the trade within the team's SMG portfolio. Ongoing analysis daily in Account Holdings to the stock performance and impact on portfolio/team ranking
SMG Portfolio Building Strategies Aggressive Portfolio: Buy 3 positions at $50,000. Moderate Portfolio: Buy 5-10 positions at 10,000 -15,000. Conservative Portfolio: Buy 10 positions at 10,000. No margin Which of the following investment strategies would your team like to use? A few samples! Buy what you know is popular ex. Apple symbol AAPL Nike symbol NKE Buy within an industry sector ex. Ford symbol F Honda symbol HMC Buy on good investment news ex. Jet Blue symbol JBLU Best Buy symbol BBY Buy NASDAQ growth companies ex. Micron Technology MU Skyworks SWKS Buy Blue Chip S & P 500 companies ex. Amazon AMZN Campbell Soup CPB Buy on expected positive earning reports ex. Home Depot HD Caterpillar CAT Buy using the dollar cost averaging method ex. Increments of $5,000. per day Microsoft MSFT Short Sell companies with negative news ex. Staples SPLS Chipotle Mexican Grill CMG
Research Prospects for Team Analysis and Decision Making: The Stock Market Game Stock Name Symbol Exchange 52 Week High 52 Week Low Current Price PE Ratio BETA 1. __________ _____ _______ _______ _______ ______ _____ ___ News: 2. Stock Name Symbol Exchange 52 Week High 52 Week Low Current Price PE Ratio BETA 2.__________ _____ _______ _______ _______ ______ _____ ___ 3.__________ _____ _______ _______ _______ ______ _____ ___
SMG Outcomes: * Teams should have majority vote on each stock, fund or bond purchased. * Circle # of stock you wish to bring to your team for consideration & fundamental/technical analysis. * What % of portfolio should stock be purchased at? * Do The Math! Ex. $50,000 of stock in Nike symbol NKE at $58.02 per share … $49,500 (1% Commission) divided by 58.02 = 852 shares to buy, Net Cost $49,433.04 Add 1% Commission $494.33 = Gross Cost $49,927.37 Execute trade in SMG portfolio!
Accounts Summary, Rankings & Accounts Holding Stock Market Game Possible Portfolios: Young Investors Club Middle Aged Teachers College Cool Dudes! 20% MSFT 15% AAPL 20% FB 20% UA 15% GE 20% GOOGL 20% NKE 15% F 20% NFLX 20% ETF (FHIC) 15% VFIAX 20% TWTR 20% MF (JAGTX) 20% PFE 20% AAPL 20% JABAX
SMG Team Portfolio Performance Analysis Update Index Analysis: Spring 10-week competition February 1 - April 8 2016 Dow Jones S & P 500 NASDAQ Start 1-1-2016 17,385.03 2043.94 5007.41 Current 2-3-2016 16,336.66 1912.53 4,504.24 % Change + or - -6.0% -6.4% -10.0% From All Time High - 10% - 9% - 11% *Global Economy: What economic news has recently impacted the NYSE and NASDAQ exchanges? Team Portfolio: State Ranking #_______________ Equity in Portfolio $_______________ Buying Power $_______________
Team Positions:. See Your Accounts Holding SMG page. http://www Stock / Fund Symbol Shares Purchase Price Current Price $ Gain/Loss % Gain/Loss 1.________ _____ _____ _______ _______ _______ _______ 2.________ _____ _____ _______ _______ _______ _______ 3.________ _____ _____ _______ _______ _______ _______ 4.________ _____ _____ _______ _______ _______ _______ 5.________ _____ _____ _______ _______ _______ _______ 6.________ _____ _____ _______ _______ _______ _______ 7.________ _____ _____ _______ _______ _______ _______ 8.________ _____ _____ _______ _______ _______ _______ 9.________ _____ _____ _______ _______ _______ _______ 10.________ _____ _____ _______ _______ _______ _______
Outperforming or Underperforming the Indexes Outperforming or Underperforming the Indexes? Comparing your team portfolio % gain or loss to the NYSE performance of Dow & S&P 500 index. As well the NASDAQ benchmark comparison, since start of play. Performance by % Gain/Loss Team Portfolio by % Gain/Loss %______________ %______________ *Identify and explain analysis of Team Portfolio as Outperforming or Underperforming the markets. *Team strategy moving forward to research, buy, sell, or hold current positions. Questions? Help needed? How well is your team working together?
Many Happy SMG Sunsets to You! Wicked Smart Investments Questions???