Jr. Sr. Parent Night Mrs. Johnson Names A - C Barbe Counselors Mrs. Johnson Names A - C Mrs. Churchman Names D - I Mrs. Smith Names J - O Mrs. Nester Names P - Z Guest Speakers Mrs. Betty Anderson McNeese, M.S., M.Ed. Director of Community Services and Outreach Mr. Scott Burke LOSFA Representative
4 Year College Bound LA Core 4
2 Year School/Technical/Trade School then 4 Year University Basic Core
Transcript Review
Specialties on Diploma Honor Graduate Requirement Endorsement Requirements
Are you taking care of your business? New Grading Scale Regular 7pt AP & McNeese (Dual) 10pt Credit Recovery Seat Time Grade Recovery STEPS (Sowela) Program
Jerry McGuire Style …and Daddy said, “SHOW ME THE MONEY!!”
Junior Year: Pre-College Checklist Dec. Start planning to take ACT/SAT Check with colleges you are applying to and find out specific testing requirements Study for test. Local library has classes McNeese State offers classes (leisure learning) March Register for Spring ACT www.act.org Barbe HS code 191449 March Schedule a visit to a college April Take ACT- Begin preparing essays and researching college admissions and scholarship opportunities
Senior Year Calendar Jan-Pick up a Free Application for Fed. Student Aid Apply for scholarships (LETTERS OF REC. 2 wk notice) Feb-Financial Aid Awareness Month Tentative date for FAFSA Seminar MONDAY, FEB. 6th Pm March-Scholarships, SAR report, look for college acceptance letters in mail April-Make your final decision and notify all schools May-AP testing, graduation, summer!!
ACT Dates
SAT Dates
Announcements Updated frequently
Guidance Scholarship Information
Can’t find what your looking for? “Steal it” Hint: Go to other schools’ websites Slidell High School Sulphur High School St. Louis Catholic, Etc.
Slidell High
Guidance Link Slidell High A plethora of information just a “click away”
St. Louis
In Summary Watch your deadlines, ACT/SAT Dual Enrollment Enlist the help of family members when it comes to scholarship applications Don’t reinvent the wheel, modify essays that you’ve written for English classes in the past Log volunteer hours on weekends/summer Stay organized, special binder, etc.