Widefield Class of 2017 Senior Parent Meeting
Agenda Important Dates/Information - Mr. Hall Credits January Graduates Requesting transcripts/Naviance College Resources NCAA Requirements Acceptance Letters Herff Jones – Class ring, cap, gown & announcements
Diploma Verification Please verify your senior’s name in Infinite Campus. Names MUST match the name on Birth Certificate - unless you have a legal document proving a name change. Ms. Jones will need a copy for proof of name change by Oct. 31, 2016. Diploma order will go in by Nov. 1, 2016. Please contact Ms. Jones in the Counseling Center if you have a change or a question. (jonesv@wsd3.org or 719-391-3110)
Senior Important Dates and Information 2016 October 19th Senior Parent Night and Cap and Gown Ordering October 21st Herff Jones will be in lower commons during lunch to help with orders October 26th College Fair at Fountain Fort Carson
College Fair at Fountain Fort Carson, October 26, 9:30 – 10:00am Sign up in the counseling center-There is a limited amount of space (it is first come first serve) Students need to register online BEFORE the fair at www.gotocollegefairs.com Students must have parents sign permission slip. There will be a bus from WHS to Fountain Fort Carson Parent will need to excuse you with the attendance office if you are not taking the bus
Important Dates Continued… October 21st Senior photo and quotations deadline. See counseling center web site for link to specifications. October 22nd ACT at WHS (deadline to register was SEPTEMBER 16). Check out www.actstudent.org for other locations and dates. November 15th Senior Financial Aid Night, WHS Library, 6pm. Bring tax documents to complete the FAFSA. February 8th Senior Class Panoramic Picture, Bowers Gym, 7:12am April 22nd WHS Prom, Cheyenne Mountain Resort, 6pm
Important Dates Continued… May 15th and 16th: Senior Finals and Check Out May 17th: Senior Awards Night, 6pm, WHS Auditorium May 18th: Senior Brunch, Cheyenne Mt. Conference Resort May 19th: Mandatory Graduation Practice, Bowers Gym, 12pm sharp! May 20th: GRADUATION!!!!! Seniors report to small gym at 7:30am!!
Graduation Credits Student MUST have 48 credits, including all required core courses, to walk in the Graduation ceremony (per WSD#3 School Board Policy). See Mr. Hall if student fails a course, think they might fail a course or know they are behind in credits.
Check credits!!!!!!
Infinite Campus Student Portal/Academic Progress Tab If you have a question or concern regarding the credit information on this page/tab, please see Mr. Hall. Information on this page can be misleading.
Credit Recovery is Available, next session: Need Credits? Credit Recovery is Available, next session: Spring Session 2/13/17 to 4/7/17 (register/payment due by 2/6/17). Applications can be downloaded from WSD3 website or picked up in the counseling center. Cost is $100 per credit. Can take a max of 2 classes. Payment can be made online or in counseling center.
Could your student be a January Grad? If you think your senior may have enough credits to graduate at semester, please contact Mr. Hall to go over credits.
Naviance/Transcript Requests Refer to the green information sheet in your packet on the steps to request a transcript thru Naviance. Use the Naviance link on the Counseling Center’s main web page.
College Resources Naviance: www.naviance.com Username: last name, first 3 letters of first name and day of birthday (ex. halltha04) Password: Password is the same as all other WHS passwords (i.e. IC, SchoolWire). College in Colorado: www.collegeincolorado.org Fastweb: www.fastweb.com
College Admission Requirements and NCAA Check to make sure you meet all requirements at all potential colleges Check and re-check application deadlines!!! Note that out of state colleges sometimes have tougher admission regulations. Check, check and double check NCAA requirements if you plan on being a student athlete at a division 1 or 2 school
COLLEGE BOUND STUDENTS As you get letters of acceptance to colleges you have applied for, be sure to get a copy of those letters to Ms. Jones in the Counseling Center. Also bring her copies of any scholarship awards, this includes military awards. We would like to recognize you May 17 at the Senior Awards Night!!
Counselor Information Senior Counselor: Mr. Hall Email: hallt@wsd3.org Phone: 719-391-3116 Stop by the counseling center