Free State Animal Health Forum Bloemfontein 21 September 2017
Why are we here?
AHF today Objectives of the Animal Health Forum To protect and advance (improve) the health status of the National Livestock Herds in order to promote sustainable livestock production and to maintain national and international market access.
PVS (OIE) report on Vet services Findings Line function (chain of command) How do we address this? Animal traceability ID Meat safety Local vs. export Liaison with industries Eg. AHF Access to markets (local vs. export standards) Should be the same Public / Private co-operation By PPP’s By working together
Points we are addressing These come from the Veterinary strategy Brucella- Brucella steering committee Animal ID & Movement Registration Compensation – compensation committee Buffalo VPN Heartwater Vaccine Committee AMR CCS Border - Animal Disease Control Fence Vaccine availability Cooperation – Focus is on the provinces Meat safety Laboratory capacity
Points we are addressing (cont.) Border - Animal Disease Control Fence Vaccine availability Cooperation – Focus is on the provinces Meat safety Laboratory capacity
Brucellosis The “model disease” Animal ID Education Economic impact Epidemiology Zoonosis State and Private Veterinary co-operation Holistic approach (one health)
Provincial AHF Duplicate what NAHF does at provincial level Support for municipal co-operation between state and private vets Open forum for discussion