On the way to school. Teenage problems.


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Presentation transcript:

On the way to school. Teenage problems. 7th form

Speech exercise Continue sentences: -When the weather is bad I…. - When the weather is good I…. - When I feel happy I …. - When I feel sad I….

Look at the pictures and try to describe them:

Look at the pictures and try to describe them:

Let’s define our goals: 1. 2. 3.

Answer the questions: Who is a teenager? Do teenagers have a lot of problems? What kind of problems do teenagers have? Use expressions: I think that…; In my opinion; It seems to me that; As far as I know

Importance Look through the list of teenage problems Importance Look through the list of teenage problems. Number them in order of importance: number one – the most important one, number nine – the least important one Too much homework No friends No girlfriend/boyfriend Difficulties in school Nothing to do in free time No one to talk to about your problems Lack of pocket money Parents do not allow to go out in the evening Arguments with parents/brothers/sisters

I have a problem… Can you help me? Task: Read the letter to a teen magazine, in a few sentences describe the problem, write some advice to a teenager that can help to solve the problem. Plan of the answer 1. Name the problem 2. Say why it is important problem (2-3 arguments) 3. Say who can help to solve this problem (friends, parents, teachers, etc.) 4. Name the personal characteristic you need to solve the problem

Letter 1 Dear Teen Magazine, My name is Susan, I am 13 years old. I want to tell you about my problem. I do my best at school. But my teachers and my parents aren’t happy with my marks at school. I get so angry about it! Why can’t they realize that I can’t do better? How can I solve this problem? Please, help me. Susan, 13

Letter 2 Dear Teen Magazine, My name is Oliver. My problem is that I don’t feel comfortable with my classmates. They call me names and say that I’m too tall and pale. But I can’t help it. I do sports, but not too often. There is so much homework to do! Please, help me, if you can! Oliver, 13

Letter 3 Hello, Teen! My name is Lisa. I hate Science because the teacher is so boring. I would like to continue French and take German this year. But no one listens to me, including my parents. They think Science is better for my future. But I don’t agree with them! What should I do? Lisa, 14

Letter 4 Hello, Teen Magazine! My name is Jim. I need more pocket money. Many teens in my school have part-time job (работа на неполный рабочий день). They earn extra money. But my parents don’t allow me to get job. They think that I should spend much time for my study. But I have a lot of free time! They just don’t listen to me. What should I do? Jim, 14

Reflection Have we achieved our goals? Can I solve some of my problems? Can I help my friends to solve different problems?

Homework: Describe the problem that you have ever had. Have you solved it by yourself or someone has helped you? Write 7-10 sentences

Thank you for your attention!