3 Committees 15 Workgroups 166 people 130 meetings 12 months 4,000 volunteer hours Efforts started back in 2012 and 2013. BROADLY INCLUSIVE, COMPREHENSIVE 2013 BLF: Richard Susskind addressed attendees – preeminent legal futurist Tom picked it up and ran with it – assembled an incredible Task Force & Ctees. 2015 BLF: Jeffrey Cufaude spoke and provided great insight into strategic planning for our profession I STOLE (with attribution) many of his ideas; used one of his quotes at each of our Committee meetings: “We enter school as questions marks and end as periods. When we begin to color we are given a box of 64 crayons … when we graduate we have one blue pen.” Encouraged Task Force and Committee members to think outside the box and color outside the lines No sacred cows Nothing off limits #sbmfuturelaw
A Dysfunctional Legal Marketplace THE PROBLEM A Dysfunctional Legal Marketplace KEY INNOVATIONS Unified online legal platform with triage module Legal Self Help Centers in all judicial circuits Lay navigator standards and training #sbmfuturelaw
THE PROBLEM Significant Issues for New Lawyers, New Challenges for Experienced Lawyers KEY INNOVATIONS Modernized admissions testing Pro bono culture within the law student community through the use of SBM social media and member directory platforms Individualized professional development and specialty certification in lieu of mandatory continuing legal education (MCLE) #sbmfuturelaw
Inefficient and Overly Complex Legal Processes KEY INNOVATIONS Culture of routine business process analysis for ongoing improvement in legal services delivery and court processes Civil process innovations, focusing on pretrial reform and removing appropriate types of cases from the judicial process Online dispute resolution pilot programs Statewide venue specialty courts Tech-assisted remote legal services delivery THE PROBLEM Inefficient and Overly Complex Legal Processes #sbmfuturelaw
THE PROBLEM Regulatory Hurdles KEY INNOVATIONS Comprehensive LSR system with LSR standards, coordinated with referral network Better technology-based support for members by reallocating SBM resources Proactive, preventive focused disciplinary system #sbmfuturelaw
Cultural Resistance to Innovation THE PROBLEM Cultural Resistance to Innovation KEY INNOVATIONS Justice Innovations Guidelines Justice Innovations #sbmfuturelaw
Goal: member engagement in futures issues leading to consensus on direction Required high visibility including social media
Development of Comprehensive Public Platform State Bar Lawyer Referral PRO BONO INITIATIVE Local Bars Legal Aid Offices Self Help Community Resources Court Access E-Filing
What Comes Next? Steering Committee has made recommendations regarding implementation State Bar: Rep Assembly and BOC will need to address certain recommendations Strategic Planning under way Supreme Court involvement Model Rules of Professional Conduct Michigan Court Rules Board of Law Examiners Attorney Grievance Commission and Attorney Discipline Board Michigan Legislature Justice Innovations Center Add implementation table?