Subaru Telescope 2008 Masa Hayashi Subaru Users’ Meeting January 16, 2008
Major Events in 2008 Computer system contract renewed NGS AO188 open-use began (S08B) Full Depletion Layer CCDs on Suprime-Cam (S08B) FMOS engineering first light Time exchange with Gemini and Keck MOU for collaboration with Princeton University and ASIAA WFMOS negotiation ongoing with Gemini SEEDS campaign observing program started Awards received by Guyon, Mikami & Ito, and Iye
Proposal Statistics
Telescope Time Usage (“Open use” includes time exchange programs with Gemini & Keck.)
Downtime Statistics
Instrument Usage (Service observations are not included. AO nights are counted redundantly.)
Publications by Instruments
13 News Releases in 2008 SN are not spherical (Maeda et al.) Disk around a low mass star (Kudo et al.) COSMOS lensed galaxies (Yagi et al.) Dust formation in a SNE COSMOS (Taniguchi et al.) Saturn’s Atmosphere Oscillation Cas A Echo (Krause et al.) COSMOS The coldest stars (Ishii et al) “Fireballs” (Yoshida et al.) Galaxy evolution (Tanaka et al.) FD CCDs on Suprime Tycho’s SN Echo (Krause et al.)
Major Issues in 2009 Steady operations and publications Full open use of NGS AO188 Risk-shared open use of LGS AO188 Open use of FMOS from S09B HSC design review (budget and fabrication plans) Decision on WFMOS HiCIAO campaign observations (SEEDS) Planning the future computer system (including Gen2) Planning future infrared instruments 10 Year Celebration Ceremony (Sept? in Mitaka) 2010 & 2011 – downtime expected for top unit modification