Red Wine Benefits Through Resveratrol By Anthony Anastasio
Need Figure 2 Wine still remains the leased consumed alcoholic beverage Figure 1 Over the passed 6 years, disorders from alcohol have increased
Red Wine Antioxidants Flavonoids- Antioxidant found in different foods and alcohol Resveratrol- antioxidant found in red wine that helps the prevention of clogged arteries in mice.
Resveratrol Found in the skin of grapes that are used in the fermentation of red wine. Found in plants as a defense system against disease.
Literature Review Bass, 2007 When drosophila exposed to resveratrol, no increase in lifespan is shown C. Elegans show an increase in life span with resveratrol supplement
Literature Review Bauer, 2004 Drosophila showed an increase in lifespan with resveratrol supplements
Do-ability Resveratrol supplements obtainable Cultures available and exposure to resveratrol is do able Resveratrol supplements obtainable