Constructive alignment – the foundation for good assessment Faculty of Health and TILT
Today’s presentation Creating a foundation for good assessment: expectations of learning along the AQF continuum, different forms of assessment for different purposes, and the alignment of assessment to learning outcomes.
Assessment Policy The objectives of the Assessment Policy are to ensure that assessment: is designed to promote student learning; measures student achievement against learning outcomes to produce grades that are valid, reliable and maintain academic standards; is fair, transparent and equitable.
Higher Education Standards (HES) Framework 1.4 Learning Outcomes and Assessment: 1. The expected learning outcomes for each course of study are specified … . 3. Methods of assessment are consistent with the learning outcomes being assessed, are capable of confirming that all specified learning outcomes are achieved and that grades awarded reflect the level of student attainment. 4. On completion of a course of study, students have demonstrated the learning outcomes specified for the course of study, whether assessed at unit level, course level, or in combination.
Intended Learning Outcomes Assessment Learning Activities Content & Exemplars
Components of ILOs active verb content / construct / focus condition / context clarity the verb at the appropriate level of understanding or of performance intended; the topic content the verb is meant to address (the object of the verb); the context of the content discipline in which the verb is to be deployed. Written with clarity, such that a student unfamiliar with the unit will be able to understand it.
ILOs - Examples Outline the principles and practice of professionalism in medical practice. Describe the organisation and function of the immune system and its relevance to disease Explain the usage, efficacy and safety of complementary and alternative medicines in Australia. Evaluate the needs of older persons to identify person-centred strategies that will improve quality of care and quality of life. Apply pharmacy knowledge (pharmaceutical science and pharmacotherapeutics) to advanced presentations to identify drug-related problems and provide options for resolution. Use medical records objectively and concisely for documentation of routine care Provide effective and safe patient assessment and management for the cardiac patient with supervision
Course Learning Outcomes Graduate Qualities AQF Accreditation TLOs Professional Standards etc Intended Learning Outcomes Assessment Learning Activities Content & Exemplars
Design AQF; Accreditation; TLOs; Professional Standards; Etc Graduate Qualities Course Learning Outcomes Intended Learning Outcomes Assessment Learning Activities Content & Exemplars
AQF Level 7 Bachelor Degree Purpose Level 7 Bachelor Degree Purpose The Bachelor Degree qualifies individuals who apply a broad and coherent body of knowledge in a range of contexts to undertake professional work and as a pathway for further learning Knowledge Graduates of a Bachelor Degree will have a broad and coherent body of knowledge, with depth in the underlying principles and concepts in one or more disciplines as a basis for independent lifelong learning Skills Graduates of a Bachelor Degree will have: cognitive skills to review critically, analyse, consolidate and synthesise knowledge cognitive and technical skills to demonstrate a broad understanding of knowledge with depth in some areas cognitive and creative skills to exercise critical thinking and judgement in identifying and solving problems with intellectual independence communication skills to present a clear, coherent and independent exposition of knowledge and ideas Application of knowledge and skills Graduates of a Bachelor Degree will demonstrate the application of knowledge and skills: with initiative and judgement in planning, problem solving and decision making in professional practice and/or scholarship to adapt knowledge and skills in diverse contexts with responsibility and accountability for own learning and professional practice and in collaboration with others within broad parameters AQF Level 7
AQF AQF levels 5, 6 & 7 Level 5 Diploma Level 6 Associate Degree Level 5 Diploma Level 6 Associate Degree Level 7 Bachelor Degree Purpose The Diploma qualifies individuals who apply integrated technical and theoretical concepts in a broad range of contexts to undertake advanced skilled or paraprofessional work and as a pathway for further learning The Associate Degree qualifies individuals who apply underpinning technical and theoretical knowledge in a range of contexts to undertake paraprofessional work and as a pathway for further learning The Bachelor Degree qualifies individuals who apply a broad and coherent body of knowledge in a range of contexts to undertake professional work and as a pathway for further learning Knowledge Graduates of a Diploma will have technical and theoretical knowledge and concepts, with depth in some areas within a field of work and learning Graduates of an Associate Degree will have broad theoretical and technical knowledge with some depth in the underlying principles and concepts in one or more disciplines Graduates of a Bachelor Degree will have a broad and coherent body of knowledge, with depth in the underlying principles and concepts in one or more disciplines as a basis for independent lifelong learning Skills Graduates of a Diploma will have: cognitive and communication skills to identify, analyse, synthesise and act on information from a range of sources cognitive, technical and communication skills to analyse, plan, design and evaluate approaches to unpredictable problems and/or management requirements specialist technical and creative skills to express ideas and perspectives communication skills to transfer knowledge and specialised skills to others and demonstrate understanding of knowledge Graduates of an Associate Degree will have: cognitive skills to identify, analyse and evaluate information and concepts from a range of sources cognitive, technical and creative thinking skills to demonstrate a broad understanding of knowledge and ideas with some depth in a discipline cognitive, communication and analytical skills to interpret and transmit responses to sometimes complex problems communication skills to make a clear and coherent presentation of knowledge and ideas with some intellectual independence Graduates of a Bachelor Degree will have: cognitive skills to review critically, analyse, consolidate and synthesise knowledge cognitive and technical skills to demonstrate a broad understanding of knowledge with depth in some areas cognitive and creative skills to exercise critical thinking and judgement in identifying and solving problems with intellectual independence communication skills to present a clear, coherent and independent exposition of knowledge and ideas Application of knowledge and skills Graduates of a Diploma will demonstrate the application of knowledge and skills: with depth in some areas of specialisation, in known or changing contexts to transfer and apply theoretical concepts and/or technical and/or creative skills in a range of situations with personal responsibility and autonomy in performing complex technical operations with responsibility for own outputs in relation to broad parameters for quantity and quality with initiative and judgement to organise the work of self and others and plan, coordinate and evaluate the work of teams within broad but generally well defined parameters Graduates of an Associate Degree will demonstrate the application of knowledge and skills: with initiative and judgement in planning, problem solving and decision making in paraprofessional practice to adapt knowledge and skills in a range of contexts and/or for further studies in one or more disciplines to adapt fundamental principles, concepts and techniques to known and unknown situations with responsibility and accountability for own learning and work and in collaboration with others within broad parameters Graduates of a Bachelor Degree will demonstrate the application of knowledge and skills: with initiative and judgement in planning, problem solving and decision making in professional practice and/or scholarship to adapt knowledge and skills in diverse contexts with responsibility and accountability for own learning and professional practice and in collaboration with others within broad parameters AQF AQF levels 5, 6 & 7
Choosing assessment methods to suit the ILOs Assessing … Examples of assessment methods knowledge and comprehension Essays; Reflective journals/portfolios; Report; Critical incident analysis; Short answer questions; Concept mapping; Reflective case summary; Case based article; Videotaped consultation; Critical appraisal critical thinking skills Essay; Critical evaluation of the literature; Report Critique on an issue; Critical incident analysis; Reflective journal writing; Assessing Peer feedback; Seminar presentation problem solving skills Simulation Problem Based Learning (PBL); Report Poster; Clinical assessment; Simulated patient interviews; Essay Question; Viva voce; Observed long case performance of procedures and demonstrating techniques Mastery performance tests; OSCE; Video skill assessment; Web-based skills assessment; Assessment of competence in simulation; Ward rating; Case History exercises; Special clinical skills exam; Clinical tutor evaluation; Laboratory reports; Observed long case; Case presentation; Clinical tutor assessment; Case assessment ability to reflect upon learning and integrate into professional practice Reflective journals; Portfolio; Simulations; Critical incidents; Case; Study Project; PBL; Log diary; Clinical tutor evaluation; Clinical experience record; Videotaped consultation; Reflective case summary; Case presentation; Clinical tutor rating Choosing assessment methods to suit the ILOs
Assessment Criteria At the completion of this unit, you will be able to: AT 1: Learning Outcomes Critique AT 2: Learning Activity and Assessment Design Design constructively aligned units where the intended knowledge, skills and understandings are clearly and appropriately communicated, taught, and assessed. 2. Propose ILOs in line with guidelines and policies, and principles and theories of teaching and learning 1. Description of a learning activity and an assessment task that are demonstrative of good practice 2. Explanation of how the learning activity and/or the assessment task ensures the unit is constructively aligned. Use Higher Education theory, literature and practice to make and support arguments for teaching. 1. Use Biggs and Tang (2011) and UTAS guidelines and policies to analyse your colleagues’ ILOs 3. Justify your final ILOs 3. Use of evidence, including reflection on practice and literature, to justify your arguments Present an argument for change, addressing both formal and informal structures, to improve teaching and learning in your professional context. 4. Explanation of how you could facilitate uptake of improved teaching and/or assessment practice.
Bloom’s Taxonomy Remembering (define, list, label) Understanding (classify, compare, explain) Applying (apply, select, transform) Analysing (compare and contrast, discriminate) Evaluating (argue, assess, critique) Creating (construct, develop, design) Anderson & Krathwohl (2001)
SOLO = Structure of Observed Learning Outcome misses point identify do simple procedure enumerate describe list combine do algorithms compare contrast explain analyse relate apply theorise generalise hypothesise reflect Prestructural Unistructural Multistructural Relational Extended abstract Quantitative phase Qualitative phase