The George H.W. Bush Presidency (1989-1993) Impact of Defense Spending G.H.W. Bush and Clinton The George H.W. Bush Presidency (1989-1993) Impact of Defense Spending Election of 1988 ____________________ Governor of Massachusetts Served 8 years a VP under Reagan Promised to continue Reagan’s policies Promised to improve education and fight drugs Short Tem Long-term Appointed 2 Justices Led to a ______________________ majority in the Supreme Court Causes Effects Rust Belt __________________ Many ______________ and jobs lost to ____________________ Supreme Court 1990 Recession Domestic Policy Civil Rights Rodney King Riots (1992) African-American beaten by police on video in Los Angeles Jury found officers not guilty 70 killed in riots Americans with Disabilities Act (1990) Foreign Policy Invasion of Panama 1980 Manual Noriega was dictator/drug dealer Bush sent forces to restore democratically-elected leader Noriega captured/convicted on drug charges End of the Cold War 1989-1991 The Gulf War 1990 ______________, Iraqi leader invaded Kuwait (oil reserves) Some feared invasion of Saudi Arabia (more oil) UN Forces (led by U.S.) launched attack Hussain removed troops and paid Kuwait Somalia 1992 Bush began humanitarian airlift of food/supplies to war-torn Somalia (Northeast Africa) Local warlords/bandits stole food shipments U.S. sent troops (Blackhawk Down)
The Clinton Presidency (1993-2001) _____________________ Plagued by recession _____________________ Governor of Arkansas _____________________ Received 20% of votes Most successful third party candidate in history Split Republican vote, making Clinton the winner Election of 1992 First Budget Limited federal spending Increased income tax to 40% on the _______________ Cut taxes for low-income Americans Introduced federal _____________tax Healthcare Reform ____________________ advocated for better health care for uninsured/underinsured None of their plans passed by Congress Economic Policy Growing _____________industry Eliminated Cold War Restrictions Reduced ____________spending Closed military bases Balanced the budget Economy at end of Term ____________________down/consumer spending up Business profits at all-time highs ___________of income over expenses Best economy is U.S. history Contract with America ____________________, Republican Speaker of the House Promise by Republican candidates to the American people Sought ______________reforms for the federal government Domestic Policy Sex Scandal Independent prosecutor uncovered a sexual affair between Clinton and a White House intern Clinton lied about the affair under oath Impeachment Process Impeachment (formal accusation by the House of Representatives) requires majority vote in House Trial and conviction requires 2/3 vote in the Senate Republicans in the House Impeached Clinton Impeachment Scandal Participation in International Organizations Yugoslavia, Bosnia, & Kosovo Bosnian Genocide Serbs attempted to massacre Muslim civilians in “ethnic cleansing” campaign Clinton used NATO airstrikes against Serbia Helped negotiate peace and end bloodshed China U.S. missiles accidentally hit Chinese embassy in Yugoslavia Chinese nationalists marched on U.S. embassy in Beijing U.S.-Chinese relations mended and U.S. helped China join WTO Russia Maintained friendly relationship with Boris Yeltsin Israel Followed Bush’s lead in working towards peace Somalia Unable to end war Clinton withdrew troops Haiti Military coup overthrew priest elected to power Clinton sent troops to restore Aristide to power Iraq Clinton airlifted troops to pressure Hussain to withdraw from __________________border Forced Hussain to allow UN inspectors searching for nuclear/biological weapons NAFTA Name Countries What? Pros and Cons Supporters: _____________________________ Critics: Freed trade = loss of manufacturing jobs Countries w/cheap labor have an unfair advantage GATT & WTO General Agreement of Tariffs and Trade (GATT) Formed in 1947 to increase trade by lowering tariffs World Trade Organization (WTO) Replaced GATT in 1994 Establishes rules for global trade Helps settle trade disputes Accelerated globalization Foreign Policy