Nhial Tutlam, PhD, MPH 2017 CSTE Annual Conference June 5, 2017 Surveillance of Naloxone Use in Saint Louis County Based on Reports from Emergency Responders Nhial Tutlam, PhD, MPH 2017 CSTE Annual Conference June 5, 2017
Background The United States is currently experiencing an epic epidemic of overdose deaths involving opioids1 Opioid related deaths have increased by 200% between 2000 and 20142 Drug poisoning deaths just involving heroin have increased by 55% from the year 2000 to 20103 Magnitude of the problem is acute in some regions of the country
Background In particular, the Midwest region appears to be the epicenter of the epidemic 11 fold increase in age-adjusted drug-poisoning deaths involving heroin between 2000 and 20135 In St. Louis County, deaths involving heroin increased from 7.9 to 12.2 per 100,000 population in from 2010 to 20146 The heroin poisoning death rate in St. Louis County in 2014 was 3.6 times the national rate6
Figure 1. Age-adjusted rates for drug-poisoning deaths involving heroin: St. Louis County, Midwest, and United States, 2010-2014 DeClue R, Dalidowitz L. Drug-Poisoning Deaths Involving Heroin, St. Louis County Missouri. Chronic Disease Epidemiology (CDE) program profile, no 1. St. Louis County, MO: Department of Public Health. February 2016.
DeClue R, Dalidowitz L. Drug-Poisoning Deaths Involving Heroin, St DeClue R, Dalidowitz L. Drug-Poisoning Deaths Involving Heroin, St. Louis County Missouri. Chronic Disease Epidemiology (CDE) program profile, no 1. St. Louis County, MO: Department of Public Health. February 2016.
The Pilot Project Set up surveillance system employing first responders Form coalitions of first responders based on geographic regions Use standardized data collection form across the county Downloadable web link will be distributed to first responders to enter data on the scene Data stored and analyzed in a centralized REDCap database at DPH
Results So far Number of Doses Administered Number of Reversals Number Died Repeat Administration 61* 51 5 1 x 3 *One dose was administered in St. Louis City Zip code
Conclusions So far, the naloxone administration cluster in the same geographic areas where heroin-related death rates are high Interventions targeted at these areas can help reduce the growing problem of overdoses in our jurisdiction Formation of collisions of first responders will provide robust infrastructure to address this and future drug-related crises in our area
References Centers for Disease Control Prevention, CDC grand rounds: prescription drug overdoses-a US epidemic. MMWR. Morbidity and mortality weekly report, 2012. 61(1): p. 10. Jones, C.M., K.A. Mack, and L.J. Paulozzi, Pharmaceutical overdose deaths, united states, 2010. Jama, 2013. 309(7): p. 657-659. Rudd, R.A., et al., Increases in drug and opioid overdose deaths—United States, 2000– 2014. American Journal of Transplantation, 2016. 16(4): p. 1323-1327. National Center for Health Statistics. Heroin-related deaths in the US. 2014; Available from: http://nchstats.com/2014/02/05/heroin-related-deaths-in-the-us/. Hedegaard, H., L. Chen, and M. Warner, Drug-Poisoning Deaths Involving Heroin: United States, 2000–2013. NCHS Data Brief, no. 190. National Center for Health Statistics. March, 2015. DeClue R and L. Dalidowitz, Drug-Poisoning Deaths Involving Heroin, St. Louis County Missouri. St. Louis County, MO: Department of Public Health. February 2016.