Texas Symbols
Texas Flag 1839 National flag for the Republic of Texas The colors are red which stands for bravery, white which stands for purity, and blue which stands for loyalty. The flag has one star: Lonestar.
Texas Flower Designated the official state flower in 1901 Bluebonnets are named for the color and sun-bonnet shaped petals. It is part of one of the most endangered ecosystems on Earth. Cannot be picked
Texas Large Mammal Designated as the official state large mammal in 1995 Longhorns are named for their long, polished horns that sometimes ran 6 feet from tip to tip.
Texas Small Mammal Designated in 1995 as the official state small mammal The nine-banded armadillo is the only armadillo species in North America. The armadillo’s bony, scaled shell protects it from predators.
Texas Tree Designated in 1919 as the official state tree The pecan tree can survive 1000 years and grow over 100 feet tall. Pecan nuts and wood from the tree are used for many things.
Texas Bird Designated the official state bird in 1927 The mockingbird has amazing vocal abilities. A mockingbird can sing up to 200 songs, including the songs of other birds, insects, and amphibian sounds.
Texas Reptile Designated the official state reptile in 1993 The Texas Horned Lizard has an intimidating appearance but are docile and gentle. The Horned Lizard will flatten and freeze when threatened trying to blend with the ground.
Texas Insect Designated the official state insect in 1995 The Monarch caterpillar and butterfly are both brightly colored to warn predators.