A Brief on (C-DAP) for Madhepura District Comprehensive District Agriculture Plan Presented By Dr. Pyare Lal Bihar Institute of Economic Studies 103A/1, Nageshwar Colony, Boring Road, Patna-800001
Map of Madhepura 2
General Statistics No. of Blocks 13 No. G. Panchayats 170 Revenue Village: 419 Inhabited 390 Uninhabited 51 Total Population (Rural) 15,26,646 Population/G.P. 8980 Average Rev. Village/G.P 2.46 Sex-Ratio 915 Percentage of SC Population 17.1 ST Population 0.6 Population Density 850/Sq.Km
District Income/Intra-district growth GDDP (in Rs. Cr.) Per Capita GDDP (in Rs.) Madhepura 885.7 5,417 Patna (Highest) 15,923.9 31,441 Seohar (Lowest) 204.7 3,636
Credit/Deposit Ratio (C.D. Ratio) Particulars Bihar (All Banks) Madhepura Commercial Bank Regional Rural Bank Total Deposit (Rs in cr) 56342 1022 106 Total Credit (Rs in cr) 19372 415 53 Credit/Deposit Ratios 3438 40.6 50.0 Source - Economic survey year 2007-08.
Land Use
Land Classification Class I Land – 54.37 Class II Land – 16.67 In percent Class I Land – 54.37 Class II Land – 16.67 Class III Land – 7.90 Class IV Land – 21.06
Land Holding In percent
Name of Crop 2005-06 to 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10(Projected) 2010-11(Projected) 2011-12 (Projected) A P Y Paddy 87 115 1.32 130.5 1.5 90 180 2.0 225 2.5 270 3.0 Maize 36 142 3.94 153 4.25 38 171 4.5 180.5 4.75 40 200.0 50 Wheat 82 1.64 100 125 51 175 3.5 Masoor 2 1 0.5 1.4 0.7 1.6 0.8 1.8 0.9 3 1.0 Potato 4 46 11.5 60 15.0 5 20 23.0 25.0 Sugarcane 25 40.0 45 110 55
Area, Production and Productivity Trend of Main Crops in the District (Area-000’ha, Production-000’MT productivity-qn/ha) Name of Crop 2005-06 to 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10(Projected) 2010-11(Projected) 2011-12 (Projected) A P Y Paddy 87 115 1.32 130.5 1.5 90 180 2.0 225 2.5 270 3.0 Maize 36 142 3.94 153 4.25 38 171 4.5 180.5 4.75 40 200.0 50 Wheat 82 1.64 100 125 51 175 3.5 Masoor 2 1 0.5 1.4 0.7 1.6 0.8 1.8 0.9 3 1.0 Potato 4 46 11.5 60 15.0 5 20 23.0 25.0 Sugarcane 25 40.0 45 110 55
Irrigation Scenario In percent
Irrigation By Source In percent
Soil Health Soil Texture Light Soil, Sandy Loam to Loam PH Value Organic carbon 6-90 Available Nitrogen 250 to 300 Ka/hac Available Phosphorus 11-24 Kg/hac Available Potash 155-315 kg/hac
Requirement of Fertilizer (In tones) 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 Urea 50515 55375 57353 62810 DAP 9354 9888 11866 13364 MOP 3474 3955 4357 SSP 1737 1978 2031 2192 NPK 6013 5933 7911 7751 Total 71093 77129 83116 90474 Source: District Agriculture Officer, Madhepura
Overhead/Transportation cost for fertilizer Year Overheads/transportation etc. (Rs in Lakh) 2008-09 40.08 2009-10 26.50 2010-11 27.00 2011-12 26.72 Total 120.3
Vermi/NADEP Compost (Physical & Financial Requirement) Items/year Physical/(No.) Financial requirement (Rs. Lakh) 2008-09 321 96.3 2009-10 481 144.3 2010-11 641 192.3 2011-12 Total 2084 625.2
Integrated Nutrient Management (Physical & Financial Requirement) Items/year Physical (AREA in hac.) Financial requirement @ Rs. 500/hac (Rs. Lakh) 2008-09 2674 13.37 2009-10 5346 26.73 2010-11 8018 40.09 2011-12 10692 53.46 Total 26730 133.65
Distribution of Micro nutrients Year Physical(AREA in hac.) Financial requirement Rs. 500/hac (Rs. Lakh) 2008-09 5346 26.73 2009-10 8018 40.09 2010-11 10692 53.46 2011-12 13364 66.82 Total 37420 187.1
Total fund requirement for Soil health Management is as follows: Name of programme Financial requirement (Rs. in Lakh) 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 Total Overhead cost for imported fertilizers 40.08 26.50 27.00 26.72 120.3 Vermi/NADEP Compost 96.3 144.3 192.3 625.2 Integrated Nutrient Management 13.37 26.73 40.09 53.46 133.65 Distribution of Micro-nutrient 66.82 187.1 Application of Gypsum/pyrites 46.78 167.06 Grand Total 203.21 277.71 359.63 392.76 1233.31
Total financial assistance for Drip Irrigation & Sprinkler irrigation Financial year Area Total Financial Assistance (Rs. In Lakh) Drip Irrigation Sprinkler irrigation (Ha.) Area (Ha.) (Ha.) 2008-09 157 649 806 192.08 2009-10 314 1081 1395 348.45 2010-11 549 1189 1738 493.67 2011-12 550 1406 1956 529.42 Total 1570 4325 5895 1563.62
Crop Protection Centre Type of Centre Exists Proposed Plant Protection Centre 12 Soil Testing Laboratories 4 9
Fund requirement for proposed crop protection Centre Name of Programme Financial Requirements. (Rs. in Lakh) 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 Total Operationalisation of P.P. Centre 6.00 24.00 Soil testing laboratory 53.24 8.24 167.96 Grand Total 59.24 14.24 191.96
Financial requirements for farm mechanization Items/year Subsidy on implements. (Rs. In Lakh) 2008-09 208.47 2009-10 235.20 2010-11 240.55 2011-12 267.28 Total 951.5
Source: District Agriculture Officer, Madhepura Storage Capacity Storage Existing (No.) Capacity Felt requirements Cold Storage NIL - 2 Rural godown 55 5500 30 Onion storage 1 Marketing Yard 7 5 Source: District Agriculture Officer, Madhepura 24
Annual Seeds Requirement Crop Quantity of seeds to be distributed per farmer (Kg) Annual seed requirement (in tones) Wheat 20 485.77 Rice 6 145.73 Maize 4 48.58 Arhar 2 Gram 8 144.58 Moong 3 30.97 Rai/Sarson/Tori 1 12.12
Proposed coverage of seed villages and its Financial Requirement Items/year No. of seed village Total area put under seed production (ha) Financial Requirement (Rs. In Lakh) 2008-09 5 50 1.53 2009-10 2010-11 6 60 1.91 2011-12 2.16 Total 22 220 7.13
Total Financial requirement of the Seed Plan Name of programme 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 Total Crash Programme 20.77 21.04 21.29 21.56 84.66 Production of foundation seed on S.M.F. 18.42 73.68 Seed Village Programme 1.53 1.91 2.16 7.13 Distribution of quality seed 98.79 106.80 114.81 122.82 443.22 Infrastructure Development 17.62 70.48 157.13 165.41 174.05 182.58 679.17
Physical Programme for transfer of technology Components Year Total 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 Farmers Field School 53 80 106 133 372 Farmers training on Crop production. 107 160 214 226 707 Farmers training on Farm mechanization. 212 Demonstration of seed Production technology. 267 908 Integrated Nutrient Management 904 Demonstration on Crop Production 452 678 905 1131 3166 Demonstration of SRI 320 Demonstration on Hybrid Rice 1068 Exposure Visit 27 32 37 43 139 Officers training 5 8 26 Training of Facilitators 21 111 Kishan Samman Yojana 14 56 Total 1456 1835 2209 2480 7989
Financial requirements for transfer of technology Rs. In Lakh Components Year Total 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 Farmers Field School 17.57 26.52 35.14 44.09 123.32 Farmers training on Crop production. 5.35 8.00 10.7 11.3 IntegratedNutrient Management 45.2 Farmers training on Farm mechanization. 2.65 10.6 Demonstration of seed Production technology. 6.67 6.68 26.71 Demonstration on Crop Production 9.04 13.56 18.10 22.62 63.32 Demonstration on SRI 1.6 6.4 Demonstration on Hybrid Rice 26.72 Exposure Visit 13.5 16.00 18.5 21.5 69.5 Officers training 0.05 0.08 0.26 Training of Facilitators 0.21 0.32 1.11 Kishan Samman Yojana 15 60 89.62 108.30 126.75 143.82 468.49
Sector wise Financial Requirement Estimated for Agriculture Rs. In Lakh Sector 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 Total Soil Health Management 203.21 277.71 359.63 392.76 1233.31 Water conservation 31.35 29.52 23.52 115.74 Water Resource Management (Drip & Sprinkler Irrigation) 192.08 348.45 493.67 529.42 1563.62 Various activities under crop protection 59.24 14.24 191.96 Farm Mechanization 208.47 235.20 240.55 267.28 951.5 Enhancement of crop productivity & intensity 19.38 19.26 20.53 19.78 78.95 Financial requirement for the seeds plan 157.13 165.41 174.05 182.58 679.17 Transfer of technology 89.62 108.30 126.75 143.82 468.49 960.48 1244.92 1503.94 1573.40 5282.74
Breeds Cow Crossbreed Total 232029 Indigenous Buffalow Improved 117266 Goats 287544 Poultry Broiler 68316 Layer Sheeps 1100
Available infrastructural facilities Required No. of Veterinary Hospitals 1 No. of Veterinary Dospensary 18 - Mobile Veterinary Centre 2 Diagnostic Centre 5 Artificial Insemination Centre 8 Cold room for Storage of Vaccines Training Centre for Cattle Farmers 13
Expenditure of different programmes under Animal husbandry Component 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 Total Door step Vetn. services 105.12 72.54 75.66 78.78 332.1 Door to door Vaccination 244.4 259.68 275.96 291.29 1071.33 Poultry farm 20.00 40.00 30.00 130.00 Strengthening of A.H. office 182.01 174.01 138.15 668.18 Disposal of Careass 80.00 90.00 340.00
Product wise no. of SSI Units in the District Category of Industry Nos. Investment (Rs. In lakh) Employment Agriculture Based 1150 2480.00 2390 Forest Based 960 35.00 1240 Chemical Based 50 10.00 115 Engineering Based 250 125.00 780 Other 510 6.0 980 Total 2920 2656.00 5505
Financial requirement for the development of Food Processing Units (phy. in No . & fin. Rs. In Lakh) Scheme Unit Cost (Rs. In Lakh) 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 Total Phy. Fin. Fruit processing 0.8 3 2.4 4 3.2 13 10.4 Bakery 0.5 8 4.00 6 3.00 26 13.00 Papad and Badi Chura Mill 5.00 20 15 65.00 Rice Mill 10.00 30 40 130.00 Flour Mill Maize based 2 1 10 7 70.00 Satu/Besan 2.00 26.00 Oil Mill 9 45.00 Milk Processing Unit 8.00 12.00 16.00 40.00 Pulse Mill 1.00 Vegetable based processing units processing units including tomato & Chilli Dalmot Pickles & Murabba 57 149.4 51 142.4 53 156.4 60 159.2 221 607.4
Physical & Financial requirement for the Agricultural Marketing Year Marketing Infrastructure Rural Hats OFPPC Phy Fin 2008-09 3 105.00 40 48.00 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 4 140.0 50 60.00 Total 13 455.00 170 204.00
Total Financial requirement for Horticulture development Name of Programme Financial requirement (Rs. in Lakh) 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 Total Planting material for Fruit crop 1.51 2.04 7.10 Quality Seed of Vegetable crops 3.77 4.97 6.40 7.5 22.64 Potato 9.28 10.17 11.11 12.15 42.71 14.56 16.65 19.55 21.69 72.45
Financial Requirement for Allied Agricultural Sector (Rs. In Lakh) 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 Total Horticulture 14.56 16.65 19.55 21.69 72.45 Sericulture 2.25 2.45 2.60 2.70 10.00 Animal Husbandry 631.53 626.23 655.63 628.22 2541.61 Fisheries 510.11 329.10 331.78 325.84 1496.82 Social Forestry 80.63 322.52 Food Processing Unit 149.40 142.40 156.40 159.20 607.40 Development of Rural Industries 76.70 169.90 65.70 67.70 380.00 Agriculture Marketing 153.00 200.00 659.00 1618.17 1520.36 1465.29 1485.98 6089.79
Total Financial Requirement for Agriculture and Allied Sector Rs. In Lakh Year Agriculture Allied agriculture 2008-09 960.48 1618.17 2009-10 1244.92 1520.36 2010-11 1503.94 1465.29 2011-12 1573.40 1485.98 Total 5282.75 6089.79