The Human Digestive System Pre-Lesson Inquiry: What do you already know? Complete the Digestive System Handout to the best of your ability without looking in any text or your notes You may work in groups Do not complete the bottom overview
The Human Digestive System Pre-lesson Inquiry Why do we have a digestive system? Main Components Digestive Enzymes Chemical and Mechanical Digestion Digestion Activity 1 and 2 Digestive Organs Accessory Organs Interactive Activity
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Watch The Following Videos To Get You Started Click on the video icons in SLIDESHOW mode to see how videos are embedded into your lesson How much can you eat? Mr. Eats All
Why do we need a Digestive System? When you eat foods such as bread, meat, and vegetables, they are not in a form that the body can use Food and drink consumed must be broken down into smaller ___________
Components of the Digestive System? The Digestive Tract is a series of hollow organs joined in a long, twisted tube from the mouth to the anus Organs involved: Mouth Esophagus Stomach Liver __________ Oral Cavity (mouth) Esophagus Small Intestine
Components of the Digestive System? The entire length of the digestive tract is lined with __________ Contains lots of _______________which secrete mucus. The mucus does two things ______________ Moves materials along the tube
Digestive Enzymes Digestive Enzymes ………………. The video link has been removed from this sample
The Mouth Mechanical Digestion Chemical Digestion Digestion begins in the oral cavity (mouth) where 2 types of digestion take place: Mechanical Digestion Chemical Digestion
Mechanical Digestion Chewing breaks up large pieces of food into smaller ones
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Chemical Digestion Saliva also contains mucus and water which makes food easier to swallow
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Chewing Crackers Part 2 – Record your observations Place a cracker in your mouth and let it sit for 1.5 minutes before chewing What does it feel like initially in your mouth? Is it sweet, bland, etc.? What does it feel like after 1 minute? What does it feel like after 1.5 minutes? What does it feel like when you chew it?
Chewing Crackers Discussion What was the main texture (feeling) difference in your mouth between chewing right away and waiting 1.5 minutes before chowing down? When the cracker is in your mouth your saliva starts to break it down get’s softer
Grab a ruler and have a look Esophagus Food enters the esophagus which is a narrow, muscular tube about ___________ ……………….. Grab a ruler and have a look
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Esophagus The wall of the esophagus is made up of two layers of __________ If a person were to swallow while being upside down you could see the muscles in action
Demonstration Gently place your hand over your throat and swallow What do you feel? 2) Turn to someone next to you Have your partner tilt their head up Watch their neck as they swallow – reverse roles
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Stomach ____________ Stomach cells produce acid (HCl) which helps break down proteins The stomach cells also secrete mucus to protect its lining from the acid Sometimes …………..
Stomach Mechanical Digestion: The muscles of the stomach wall contract and expand to _________ The growling sound you sometimes here is your stomach moving This is smooth muscle
Bread in bag experiment: Take 1 piece of bread per two students. Rip in half so each student has ½ of a slice Obtain a small sandwich bag from the front of the room Tear your ½ slice of bread into smaller pieces and place it into your sandwich bag (What does this represent?) Your teacher will come around now and pour a small amount of juice into the bag Close your bag and squish the bread with your fingers until all of the pieces are really small (What does this represent?) Put all of the contents of the bag into the garbage (What does this represent?)
Small Intestine The small intestine further splits food into smaller pieces. __________ Blood
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Large Intestine Sometimes called the Colon Its function is to _______ Also stores the remains of the food that cannot be absorbed (wastes) before they are flushed from the body About 1.5 …………….. Called the large intestine because it has a much larger diameter than the small intestine
Rectum The rectum ____________________________ __________________________ before it is excreted from the body Uranus
Accessory Organs The Liver, Pancreas, and Gall Bladder all help with the digestion by _________ The Liver also produces__________ These substances are delivered into the ___________
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Pancreas Is involved in supplying enzymes required for digestion directly into the small intestine Secretes a hormone called insulin directly into the blood stream Insulin causes most of the body's cells to _________ _________
Review and Revisit Name that Digestive System Organ 1) _________ 2) _________ 3) _________ 4) _________ 5) _________ 6) _________ 7) _________ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
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The link to this animation has been removed. Excellent Digestive System Interactive Activity In slideshow mode, please Click to visit The link to this animation has been removed.