Welcome to 2016 6th Grade Pre-Ap/GT *Contact Information: Mr. Russell jrussell@kleinisd.net 832-249-5775 Website: www.kleinisd.net – campuses – doerre – teachers – science Conference Period: 2nd (9:47-10:31)
6th Grade Pre-Ap/GT Important Information: Science in 6th grade is a sampling of many different sciences: Basic Chemistry, Physics, Geology, Astronomy, Biology, and Ecology We keep a binder in class. This will be graded at the end of the grading period Students need to bring their book to class daily. (Online access is not available yet) Test days are Tuesday and Friday Students can only re-take a test that they scored below an 80 on. I will average the grades together. The highest a student can make on a re-take is an 80.
6th Grade Pre-Ap/GT Important Information cont: LATE WORK: Minor/Homework Grades: 30 point off up to three days late Major: 10 points off per day up to three days -5 no name on paper
September 29th. , 2016 6th Grade Science Pre-AP Warm-up: Objective: I can distinguish between PE and KE 3. Potential energy- 4. Mechanical energy- PE and KE Assignments: Finish PE and KE Notes (pages 206-209) 2. Introduction to forms of energy w/s HW: **1st Six Weeks Task Menu (due 10/7) ** late textbook pages 64-72 ** late Physical/chemical change worksheet **Chemical Change lab due tomorrow!
Science binder organization link on left side of page 6th Grade Pre-Ap/GT Useful Website Links: Website Science binder organization link on left side of page Daily assignments and warm-ups under Classwork/Homework link at the top of the page Important due dates are under the Our Calendar link Notes and handouts are located under the grading period links.
6th Grade Pre-Ap/GT Review: Kahoot Review