If the first job of an architect is to understand building material, then the first job of a biologist is to understand the chemistry of life.
Presented by Mr. Rainbeau Basic Chemistry Presented by Mr. Rainbeau
Why Chemistry? All living and nonliving things are made up of atoms All organisms are chemical machines
Anatomy Physiology Biochemistry Cell Biology
Atoms: The smallest particle of matter
What is inside the atom? Proton Neutron Electron
Elements: a substance made up of only one kind of atom (Ex:
What is a bond? A force that holds atoms together.
Why do Atoms Bond? To become stable To have 8 electrons in their outter shell **Makes a compound
Molecular Formula Specify the elements present Subscripts is the actual # of each kind of atom The # before the formula tells you how many molecules of the compound **Almost a recipe (Ex: H2O)
Water: H2O
Structual Formula A representation of the elements and how they bond to form a molecule **Almost a drawing
Presented by Mr. Rainbeau Properties of Water Presented by Mr. Rainbeau
What are the two types of chemical bonds? Ionic Bond Covalent Bond
Ionic Bond One atom transfers 1 or more electrons to another atom Weak bond ** forms an ION- atom with a charge One atom gains e-, the other loses an e-
Covalent Bonds Forms when electrons are shared between atoms Strong bond
Why are water molecules polar? Because there is an uneven distribution of electrons between the hydrogen and oxygen atoms
Hydrogen Bonds Attraction between negative H and positive O Very Weak
Solution A mixture where the components are equally distributed
What makes up a solution? the solute –substance that is dissolved the solvent –substance in which the solute dissolves **Ex: milk is the __ chocolate is the __ .