Travel Request System John Luopa – Software Developer 2 Direct Deposits Introduction to the new automated Travel Reimbursement System. John Luopa – Software Developer Zach Loch – IT Manager Travel Request System John Luopa – Software Developer Zach Loch – IT Manager Feb. 10, 2010
What we will cover Roadmap Reason for development In Depth Demo Summary Questions Departments Why Nuts and bolts Demo how to get through the system Summary Questions save to the end get through everything
Roadmap Current Users Phase II (April) Phase III (June) ITCS COE COB Emergency Services *end of march (demo to all preparers / followed by training if needed) Nursing Arts & Sciences Research & Grad studies Police Department *end of April Admissions Internal Medicine Dept of Surgery Pediatrics *end of June Demo of system and then training as needed.
Reason for development Better access to information No snail mail delays Direct deposit reimbursements *Receipts stop us from going totally paperless *Direct Deposit can be used by other applications we laid the ground work *The time it takes for persons to sign. 4 days to 4 minutes. *Replaces current paper based system *Reporting for audit and internation affairs
In Depth Signature Flow Security Special Cases User interaction Expenses & FOAPAL’s Version 2 Broad topic breaking down sub topics
Signature Flow *multiple of each
Security System Constraints/Safeguards Audit Trail *Authorizer cannot be the same as the Traveler *If a request has been changed while open you cannot sign it until it has been refreshed. *The system will let you know what has changed but not in detail. ** Signatures can be reproduced **History of all signatures and everything that goes on AUDIT TABLES. *more secure than what we have now
Special Cases Advances Blanket Travel *Account code tells you it is an advance *Authorize just like a regular travel request.
WHAT CAN EACH USER DO ON THE TRAVEL REQUEST FORM? User interaction WHAT CAN EACH USER DO ON THE TRAVEL REQUEST FORM? Authorizer Budget Authority Traveler Preparer Travel Office Add Authorizer NO YES Add Preparer Edit Section One Add Traveler Add Budget Authority Delete Authorizer Delete Preparer Delete Budget Authority Delete Traveler Add FOAPAL's Add Expenses Delete FOAPAL's Delete Expenses Add Travel Office Delete Travel Office Authorizer can only sign Travel Office can do everything
User Interaction WHEN SOMETHING IS DONE WHAT HAPPENS TO THE SIGNATURES THAT HAVE ALREADY SIGNED? 1st Traveler Authorizer Budget Authority Preparer 2nd Traveler Travel Office Delete 2nd Traveler STAY SIGNED Delete Travel Office Add 2 nd Traveler Add Travel Office Add Preparer MAKE PEND Add Authorizer Add Budget Authority Delete Authorizer Delete Preparer Delete Budget Authority Edit Expenses Edit Contact information Edit Foapal's TO sign and pay advance TO Sign and pay Final P signs BA signs T2 Signs *Cannot delete signatures that have already signed. You can add them again.
Expenses & FOAPAL’s Expenses Short Name Account FOAPAL Tied to Expenses Active FOAPAL *Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner are the same account code but you will be able to pick by their short names. *Travel Office will be the ones keeping up with expenses *Everyone will be able to pick the advance account code *Expenses are tied to the account of the FOAPAL *System makes sure you are putting in correct Fund, org, account, program, activity???, loc????
Version 2 Attachments Email FOAPAL security *Communication within the travel system
Demo + - Add Signatures How to sign Create Request What to do next