Examples of Its Function in Electronic Data Sheets Dictionary of Terms Examples of Its Function in Electronic Data Sheets
Topics EDS Validation Local ontologies Requirements Sources Example of present mechanism Simplified alternative mechanism
Requirements The DoT ontology serves as the standard reference repository for terms used in electronic data sheets (EDSs). The functions identified for the first implementation appear in the following list. Generate human-readable glossary, for use by authors of EDSs. Generate extensible sections of the EDS validation process, such as attribute groups for xsd schema. Directly feed tool-chain data processes, such as Interface Adapter Analysis, with full ontological model of relations among terms.
Sources of Content of DoT Purpose estimate measurement nominal setPoint OK The DoT ontology is managed by a group of ontologists, who receive requests for terms from stakeholders. The ontologists may take the following actions. Match a requested term to a conceptually equivalent term that is already present in the DoT ontology, if possible. Place a requested term in an existing category without overlap, if possible. Place a requested term in an existing category with overlap, if the category defines regions in a measurement space, if possible. Place a requested term in a new category that refactors an existing category, if necessary. Define a new category for a requested term, if necessary. calibration RFBand IEEE-L (1-2GHz) IEEE-S (2-4GHz) IEEE-C (4-8GHz) EU-E (2-3GHz) QualityRating qualityFraction standardDeviation StatusConvention binaryStatus ternaryStatus = Chirality rightHanded leftHanded
Example: An EDS Parameter Refers to a Term in the ADCS Domain Ontology The top package shows information in the SOIS Dictionary of Terms after inclusion of other ontologies. It includes an enumeration of reference frames, among which are the vehicle frame and the device frame. An EDS author would like to describe a parameter published by a coarse sun sensor in the two instances at the bottom. The referenceFrame attribute, provided by extracting an xml schema from the dictionary of terms, allows the author to state that the parameter is measured in the device reference frame.
Example: An EDS Refers to a Term in the Mission Ontology Suppose, for a particular mission, a remote interface unit has been set up to gather the reports from a number of thermistors located in the vehicle. In order to make it easy to generate the software that reports the thermistor values, an EDS is written for the remote interface unit. A separate vehicle manifest file indicates the location of each thermistor in the vehicle. In order to tell the software to associate the locations of the thermistors with the temperature that they report through the RIU, a new value is needed in the reference frame enumeration. The mission engineers add the transducer reference frame to the mission terms ontology, and then use that enumeration value in their EDS. Terms in mission ontologies are not generally trustworthy for use across missions.
Local Ontology Example Suppose: ReferenceFrame class has been defined, and it contains some reference frames. A new coarse sun-sensor is constructed with independently-mounted coarse sun sensors attached by cable to ASIM. To describe the reference frame of individual sun-sensor cosines, a new individual in ReferenceFrame is needed: “transducer”. Procedure: Define an ontology on top of SOIS ontology. Add individual “transducer” in new ontology in SOIS class ReferenceFrame. Export new ontology to owl file. Refer to new ontology file in EDS. Deliver an extra file with EDS. ReferenceFrame ReferenceFrame individual individual transducer ECI device ECEF vehicle
Local Ontology Simplification <simpleType name=“ ReferenceFrame”> … <enumeration value=“device”/> <enumeration value=“ECEF”/> <enumeration value=“ECI”/> <enumeration value=“vehicle”/> </simpleType> Who is going to learn the syntax of a local ontology, just to define some terms that don’t seem to be present already in the DoT? Who is going to write the EDS processing algorithms for validation of local ontologies? Consider a more intuitive form, which is already possible in schema Metadata. Above is conceptually what is delivered from ontology to schema now. Below is what could be inserted in EDS in place of a reference to a local ontology. There is no extra file to deliver, and no need to learn the ontology IDE. <Metadata> <Category name=“ReferenceFrame”> <Semantics individual=“transducer” /> </Category> </Metadata>