27/05/2016 George.Ryall@stfc.ac.uk David.Meredith@stfc.ac.uk GOCDB Update 27/05/2016 George.Ryall@stfc.ac.uk David.Meredith@stfc.ac.uk Me: Working on GOCDB 3 days a week So far I have been getting up to speed and making ipv6 test machine work My first major task will be the write API (more later) If you recognise me, it’s because I previously worked on GOCDB for six months - introducing scope tags and an admin interface
Current Status New tags: wlcg, atlas, alice, cms, lhcb, tier1, tier2 Integration with EGI Proxy IdP Being used by Elixir early adopters to define their infrastructure Elixir Integration Elixir sites created under ELIXIR (NGI) + CESNET-MetaCloud (Site) Elixir resources have been tagged with the ‘elixir’ reserved scope tag. Q: Can ARGO/OpsPortal use the tags to filter/group/monitor resources based on these tags? IPv6 GOCDB test instance Being tested by WLCG IPv6 testbed WLCG campaign to validate wlcg VO reserved scope tags New tags: wlcg, atlas, alice, cms, lhcb, tier1, tier2 All sites being asked to check their reserved scope tags, see: https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/EGEE/VOTagsVal Last check: ~84 site-tickets solved, ~34 assigned or in-progress Lots of discussion on the use of GOCDB VO scope tags for WLCG use-cases (for example, should a tag with a given VO name imply that the: service is available for VO; service is used by VO; service is known by the VO but not currently in use; service should be tested by VO ?) WLCG exploring the use of GOCDB to replace BDII Requires a Write API to POST semi-static service/custom props Details: https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/EGEE/StopBDII#Computing See next slide If tag use is to reflect BDII then it is about authorisation of that VO to use the resource
WLCG exploring use of GOCDB to replace BDII New attributes required in GOCDB Has been prototyped using the custom properties feature, (next slide) Still a proposal Proposed WLCG future Info system architecture
Custom Properties Used to Prototype/Explore WLCG Requirements for new Attributes 1) Paste/upload multiple-property template file 2)
Write API to Update/Add Custom Properties Proposal 1: Add a write API methods to POST properties to a specified Site, Service, ServiceEndpoint, e.g. ‘/gocdbpi/site/<siteId>/updateCustomProps’ ‘/gocdbpi/service/<serviceId>/updateCustomProps’ ‘/gocdbpi/serviceEndpoint/<servEndpId>/updateCustomProps’ Proposal 2: To secure the methods, allow SiteAdmins to create/manage their own ACL via the portal UI SiteAdmins edit which DNs can POST updates (e.g. DNs of robot certs for scripting).
~v5.6.1 – Default Paging (date TBC) Some queries are expensive (memory + timeout limits exceeded) Introduce default paging on expensive PI queries get_downtime* get_service* others…. If ‘page’ URL param is not specified, page 1 is returned by default Current, next, last page provided in <results> Clients must re-issue the query and increment page to fetch all the results Will require widespread agreement and consultation before implementation
~v5.6.1 – Default Paging (date TBC) Some queries are expensive (memory + timeout limits exceeded) Introduce default paging on expensive PI queries get_downtime* get_service* others…. If ‘page’ URL param is not specified, page 1 is returned by default Current, next, last page provided in <results> Clients must re-issue the query and increment page to fetch all the results Will require wides[read agreement and consultation before implementation